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Posts posted by cbatkinson

  1. I just replaced the actinic lights in the hood of my main tank. I have a Hamilton hood with three (3) metal halides and 2 96w Power Compacts. It was really simply. I replaced the end caps (lamp holders) with T5 end caps. The ballast supports both types, so I rewired the new T5 end caps according to the wiring diagram (that's important).


    The previous PC bulbs were really old and had very little output left, and some of my corals were losing color because of it. Now it appears 10 x times brighter, is using half the wattage, and the corals are looking better. I don't know why I waited so long... :wacko:



    Think I can do the same thing with a 48" Coralife fixture??

  2. I have a 48" MH/CF fixture and I was wondering if there was any way to convert the CF's to T5's? I know some of you out there have done some amazing DIY projects...was wondering if its possible, or is this wishful thinking.

  3. I'm in the process of upgrading my MH lights. Moving to an Icecap 250W MH Electronic Ballast and am looking for good DE bulb suggestions to pair with my actinic PC's. I'm thinking of going with the Phoenix 14k DE bulbs, but I actually like the bluish tint of the 20K bulbs. The only concern I have about the 20k's is that the tank might look too blue. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on bulbs and understand the difference in coral growth between 10k, 14k, and 20k.



  4. I'm going out of the country for a week and my water temp is starting to get hotter and hotter (high 80s)...I'd rather not run my AC the entire time while I'm gone. Does anyone have any thoughts about a chiller, or have one I can rent/borrow for the 8 days I'm gone? Any other thoughts about reducing water temp would be appreciated.



  5. I'm building a new sump and had two questions I thought someone could help me with:



    Anyone know a good place that will cut some 1/4" acrylic, including the "teeth" for the overflow?


    Anyone know a place where I can get a glass tank drilled?


    I'm looking for something in the Alexandria area, if possible.



  6. I have a Sailfin and Hippo. The research my 9 year old did before we got them suggest that so long as they are from different families of Tangs, things will work out. Sailfin is from the Zebrasoma and the Hippo is from Paracanthurus family.


    In your case, the Yellow is from Zebrasoma and the Naso from the Naso family, so in the long ran you should be fine. A 75 Gallon may be too small for both to co-exist when they are full grown.


    Thanks for all the suggestions. Wanted to let you know that the breeder net workedd. After keeping the yellow tang isolated for a few days, everything worked out when I reintroduced him to the tank. No more tang fights....

  7. The Naso Tang is a little larger than the Yellow Tang, but both are no more than about three inches. I thought about exchanging the yellow at the LFS, but they only take "donations"...so I'd have to give mine away and buy another one. Anyone know a LFS that will work out a trade, or have any other suggestions? Need to have something figured out soon...

  8. Just added a small Naso Tang yesterday to a 75g tank with a couple of clowns and a Yellow Tang. As soon as I added the Naso, the Yellow Tang started to fight with the Naso for dominance. The Naso seemed uninterested and continued to take a pounding until it retreated to a safe zone behind the powerhead. I've since moved the Yellow Tang to a breeder net and am letting the Naso have full use of the display tank. Does anyone know if the two will ever coexist? I've tried rearranging the rock, but that hasn't seemed to work. I'm almost at the point of getting rid of the Yellow Tang and buying another one, with the hope that the new Yellow won't bother the Naso since, it will be new to the tank. Anyone have any advice?

  9. Can anyone tell me the bsics for a Q-Tank? Heater, current? etc...need to know how I should set it up, and how long I should keep fish in it before I add to my display tank.

  10. Stay away from most hang on the back skimmers. Most of them truly suck, at least compared to in-sump skimmers. The only exception to the rule is the Deltec MCE600, which is a beast of a HOB skimmer. The Remora HOB skimmers are ok, but I wasn't too impressed. Others on here swear by them. Probably would be good enough for smaller tanks. What do you plan on keeping?

    Eventually I'm looking to do everything....all types of corals and fish..I'm trying to find one that I can use in my maxi-reef, but its not looking so good. I'm trying to avoid having to buy a new wet dry or sump....unless I absolutely have to.

  11. Stay away from most hang on the back skimmers. Most of them truly suck, at least compared to in-sump skimmers. The only exception to the rule is the Deltec MCE600, which is a beast of a HOB skimmer. The Remora HOB skimmers are ok, but I wasn't too impressed. Others on here swear by them. Probably would be good enough for smaller tanks. What do you plan on keeping?

    Eventually I'm looking to do everything....all types of corals and fish..I'm trying to find one that I can use in my maxi-reef, but its not looking so good. I'm trying to avoid having to buy a new wet dry or sump....unless I absolutely have to.

  12. I'm getting back in the hobby and thinking of starting a 65 gallon reef tank...can anyone tell me if the Coralife Protein Super Skimmers are any good, and if not, what size and brand skimmer I should get.



  13. Thanks....well while I'm waiting.....any thoughts on whether or not a 65gallon would be a good size to start with, and any thoughts on what I'd really need to get up and running?..Some people say I don't need a skimmer right away...others say it is a must have. What about filters? I'm trying to build this in stages and really don't want to end up buying things over and over as I move along...What should I get to start off, and what things should I add over time.

  14. I've been out of the hobby for a while...used to have a 37 gallon fish only tank and then moved to a 55 gallon fish only tank...now 10 years later, I'm looking to get back into the hobby and would like to start a tank with some live rock, a few fish and some new corals. Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a tank/stand or a used tank/stand and wet-dry filter? I'm thinking about getting a 65 gallon...ANY advice would be appreciated.

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