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Posts posted by watson_barrett

  1. I've now ran all spectrums in my LBs powered by coralvues(400w). I think i'm going to try the radiums next. I don't like how you get an almost glare from the 10 and 12k in the LBs. It is soooooooooooooo bright centrally with the 10k's it almost hard to even look at the tank without being irritated.


    My favorite bulb i have ran so far is the aquaconnect 14k but that was when i had just 1 bulb to buy and they are VERY expensive comparitavely but i definately had the best coral color ever with them.

  2. say it aint so rik, d@mn that is terrible news and you had some of the most amazing sps in the area. u should of tried to unload some of it, i'm sure someone would have tired to nurse them back to health. did you manage to at least salvage some frags for the colonies? that enchata was one of the sweetest corals i've ever seen in person, at least i think that is what it was.

  3. I have never had any problems keeping corals out of water for up to about 5 min. in past. i would just GENTLY squirt tank water on them every minute or so to keep them wet.


    I would be more worried about making sure the water you are adding has same perameters as when you started, especially with the large water changes.


    Also, just make sure you do adequete research before you make / take any major steps. all of my major problems in the past came from over-reating, just something to keep in mind.


    If you have had the problem in the past and it went away i doubt the sick fish caused the cyno problem.

  4. how long has this been set-up? the new lights can def spark an outbreak if there is high nutrients or if the bulbs are old.


    I would try to cut back on feeding until the problem starts to get better.


    Put as much marco in your fuge that you can fit.


    Increase flow in problem areas if you can or remove any rocks that are restricting flow, possibly putting them in sump/fuge.


    Do a water changes every 4-5 days. When you vacume out water, pull out as much of they cyno as you can.


    Cyno can be very fikle, arriving in force and leaving for not real appearent reason. I had issues in all my tanks until they were 1 yr + in age.


    I wouldn't think the outbreak is related to the sick fish but i havn't read much on this.

  5. I just added a PBT a week ago to a tank that had a hippo for 2 years. The hippo is about 5" and thick while the pbt is 4" and skinny. There doesn't seem to be any tension between the two. However, the PBT has been battling for dominance with the Blonde Naso which is also an inch or two bigger than the pbt. I've always read pbt's will show aggression towards tangs of similar shape and/or color. And in my experience here, that seems to hold true as the naso is a bit closer in shape. I've been making sure to feed more often as well which I'm sure helps.


    Thanks great info, My hippo is proabably about 6" I think i'm going to shoot for a PBT at about 4"

  6. You will need to culture photo and rotifers to keep them alive for any longer than a few days. and it take some time to stalk up on the roties so if may be a project to think about trying in a few months once you have an adequate supply.


    once they start laying eggs they will do it regularly. if you get some small pieces of tile and put them by thier site semi-vertical with the bottom side facing up they will soon lay them on there. they seeem to love them some reason. then you can just remove the tile the night they are due to hatch and put a new in the place. the old switch er roo.


    fun project but time and space consuming. i had a batch last about 8 days. that was my max without ever doing the roties, i was just using phot and cycloplease to feed them. appearently not enough nutrition.

  7. definatey fluctuating much more but still manageable. It used to be at 80 and only vary up to about 81.


    Now i'm having to drop it down to like 78 and it is getting up to about 82 when the halides go out in the evenings. I'm planning on a couple more fans that will hopefully help with the temp swings as a temporary fix.

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