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    Frederick, MD

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Starfish (5/13)

  1. When I got my tailspot blenny, he kept getting thinner and thinner for a couple of weeks and then one day he just started going nuts and eating anything I put in the tank.. who knows..
  2. Sorry, I'm a little confused.. why are the FragFest and Summer Meeting so close together? Is there not supposed to be frag vending at the meetings anymore, or did it just work out this way? Or is frag vending not the main point of Frag Fest (I haven't been to one yet). Thanks!
  3. i got one a couple of weeks ago.. he kept jumping/falling to the sand.. i came back after a long weekend to find him attached in the sand to a small piece of rubble. I put some rics in his old place, but then they were getting knocked down to the sand, so i think it was snails rather than him jumping.. anyway i put the clam, attached to the rubble, back in his old spot. i figure if he detaches from the rubble i will know he doesn't like it there and isn't just getting shoved off.
  4. i'm sorry, friday night just isn't a time i usually spend sitting at the computer..
  5. I got mine, like pretty much everything in my tank, at Mr. Coral. When I was there I think he had colonies that are $20-$80 depending on the size you want..
  6. well these guys seem to be coming out and feeding and appear to be healthy thus far.. i am a bit concerned about the nutrients in my tank though. i only have a 12g and "feeding each polyp" seems to turn into me dumping a full cube all over the polyps.. i don't imagine this practice can be too healthy for the tank, with all the nutrients being added. i know most people use turkey basters, but i haven't been able to do anything elegant with mine (like feed a single polyp).. it seems like my bristleworm population is growing out of control though..
  7. I basically looked and saw where it seemed like there was a clear straight line between the polyps.. I intended to cut directly up this line but ended up with 3 frags instead of two... one is just two polyps. So far, the two larger colonies are opening up. They are completely out but they did partially open up and accept some food.. here is a pic:
  8. found him! i looked in the bins in the back sump area but i didn't see him before.. well he was back there (its an aquapod so he can just hop over the wall). He was in the bin with the pump in it and it seemed like he had been doing quite a bit of struggling to keep from getting sucked into it. Seems like he will be ok with some rest!
  9. i did but i didn't find him.. though i suspect the dog would have made a snack of him if he did. and I just posted on here yesterday about how my fish never even attempted to jump out of the tank :( way to jinx myself..
  10. I got a new clam and a bunch of frags over the weekend so I was rearranging my rocks several times.. now my tailspot blenny is gone. He isn't one to hide - he is always out and in the way when i am working in the tank. I took down all the rocks that I was moving and I don't see him in there. Does it seem like he could be trapped in the rockwork somewhere? Could I have dropped a rock on him and crushed him? Those things don't seem very likely to me.. but I don't know if I should should tear down the tank to look for him. He is my favorite fish that I've owned. He has been fat and happy.. and him and my clownfish are best friends!
  11. i am not sure what kind of opening you'd need to cover, but plastic gutter guard generally works well for that type of stuff. plus its only like $2 for 3 ft of it. How do you like the CPR? It seemed quite pricey so i never got one.. i made one of those DIY refugiums out of an aquaclear 70.. it doesn't do much to increase the water volume, and i don't think the clip on light i am using is really as bright as it should be to get the chaeto very noticeably., but i used to have to occassionally pluck pieces of macro out of the display area, and i don't anymore, so i guess it is doing something.
  12. I used the glass top for a short while but I no longer use it.. I don't think it would break.. it does keep the tank a degree or two cooler.. which isn't a big deal for me since i usually cool my place to the low 70s.. however, there is poor gas exchange with the lid on and it was making my pH low. I don't think your concerns are a big deal. Yes, snails go into my filter bins.. they also come back into the display.. it really doesn't hurt anything for them to go back there.. in fact, if they go back there and stay there i figure there is algae back there they are eating. they never leave the tank because, well i don't have marine water outside of it There are fish that are surely jumpers, but I haven't had my clown fish or blenny even look like they wanted to jump.. if they ever get stressed they are darting into the rocks, not out of the tank.. I would leave the top off, and then if you have problems, you can try to come up with an alternative..
  13. the monti is a great idea! i got tired of messing with it and i had a couple of small dark areas i really wanted to fill in.. so i took the dremel to it. i hope it survives.. it is 3 frags now.. i had really good intentions of being careful but it ended up cracking and being a massacre. anybody have a suggestion for the maze brain frag in the bottom right? can i just leave it in the sand? i can't find anywhere to mount that won't look ridiculous..
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