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Posts posted by Hilary

  1. Chip (Flowerseller) was talking about doing a quick BZA group buy next week, in fact. :biggrin:


    What about the green and red that you get between the sand and the side of the tank? Most members' tanks I've seen have had that (as well as, um, mine). Natural, or an extension of the bad stuff you can get on the surface of the sand?

  2. Oh that's excellent news - thanks all! Of course, I'm the one who had the acro-eating clown gobies, so I don't always have the best of luck, but sounds like it's worth a try! Now to decide what kinds I want..... :)

  3. Between my copperband and the peppermints my aiptasia was also wiped out. I was lucky - my copperband was eating frozen brine and mysis immediately, but when I first got it Martin advised me to make sure I had a good pod population and to feed live supplemented brine shrimp.

  4. I would love to add an angel and/or rabbit to my tank, but am getting contradictory information about how safe they are. Most sources indicate that they can't be trusted (well, "with caution") with a reef tank, but others indicate that they're ok as long as they're well-fed. I also see that a number of WAMAS members have various rabbitfish as well as coral beauties and flame angels. I have a 90 gallon with clams, softies, LPS and SPS. Experiences?

  5. Well, as some of you know I've been trying to catch evil goby #2, who so far had turned out to be a lot smarter than I am. Read this post today and decided to give it a try, though had to use frozen brine since I don't have live. Took several hours, but I just kept an eye on it and sure enough, curiousity finally won out and evil goby #2 has been nabbed! Of course, none of the other fish paid the bag any attention whatsoever, but I did put it right next to the goby's favorite place to hang out. Woo hoo! :clap:

  6. Hey, my aiptasia finally lost. The big one that survived countless attacks with Joe's Juice and strong kalk, as well as all of the small guys who were multiplying, suddenly disappeared when I added the "pack" of peppermints! :clap:


    Bob, if you find that list, I would love to see it! (I'm every hopeful that someday my frags will be large enough to worry about these things.)

  7. I've stopped by several times. Every time there are more fish (as he's finished his tanks and quarantine setup), and more corals, which are a nice mix of basics and some very cool stuff. He has a nice selection of frozen foods, and has been very willing to "talk tanks" and let me pick his brain. I'll be back!

  8. Granted I haven't had mine for very long, but so far they're doing great just in the sand in my tank. I've read that they don't like extremely strong lightling so mine are all close to rock. So far, so good!

  9. Has anybody else had problems with having wrasse in the tank making them even nuttier? I've been thinking of adding a male and harem of flasher wrasse, but will go with chromis or anthias if that will drive my firefish crazy. (Hope this still remains within the subject of the thread.)

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