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Everything posted by lman

  1. lman

    ac3 output

    From the album: Pauls pictures

    ac3 output connecting to yahoo
  2. Just downloaded AquaNotes lite and have it communicating with the AC III. Thanks for the help. I was curious if anyone had any ideas on a problem I am having with the email configuration. Now I am configuring the email portion of the AC III. Has anyone been able to get it to work using yahoo email as the smtp server? It appears that that I am connecting to the yahoo smtp server, but that I am missing some information. Here is the output from the cons after I telnet to the AC III. Thanks for any help or ideas going forward. I am trying to upload my first image so I hope it works. Second try on image -
  3. Is their a way to configure all the setup menus from a computer? Just thinking it would make setup much easier. Currently configuring email and my thumbs are getting tired. Cheers
  4. lman


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