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Posts posted by jamal

  1. well i would say it depends on many factors such as how much your corals sequester, how much sps coral you have any how frequently you do water changes and how much of that need is met by your salt mix. also how much you are dosing at a time. testing it is the only sure way and it will require adjustment as your corals grow.

  2. adding magnesium stabilized your alkalinity which more directly affects ph. if you see swing you should check that number and see what it is. really you should always be checking it.

  3. i favor biological control because by the time you see one there are more. i got some peppermint shrimp from brk which are working very well. doesnt seem to care what size the aiptasia are either.

  4. You're not hijacking anything. You are welcome to the request. Maybe we can share a culture of phyto. I have some copepods I can give you for free.


    thank you and sure. may just order it online if i can find a place that sells tetra or iso.

  5. i would say it is a matter of taste and the kind of corals you intend to keep. if you have alot of sps corals then i would say a low height gives corals room to grow but with lps and softies you want higher rock work to fill in space on corals that will not grow to fill that space but aesthetics are still the main concern here

  6. they loo pretty, they grow corals in my standard 180 (i dont have acros) and less light spillage means i clean the glass less. that said all of john's points are totally accurate and without it you cant really tell what you are getting.

  7. there are no SW fish stores in DC. they are all in MD and VA. I have been to quantum reef (store front in progress), BRK, Dr. Mac's, aquarium one, and find and feathers. all of these stores are worth a visit IMO. havent been to them all yet just spoke on the ones i know.

  8. i also have a pinpoint salinity monitor and have had no trouble with it. a refractometer would give me trouble because i would always put too much water on it which is why i got the probe. never looked back. anyway you may want to go to a fish store and have them show you how to do a test so you know and stick with that kit. salifert and lamotte are great. i recently started using the red sea kit and it has been very good as well. i guess they fixed the inconsistency issues.

  9. i hope you can see this picture i took. it is not the push tubing that is coming off it is the threaded piece that you screw on. my friend that did the work suggested a compreesion piece which i think you suggested origami so i will try that.


  10. i will take a picture tonite. i am getting the leak at the end of the line. i have a booster pump and i run my RO at 70 psi all the time. but when i hook it to the copper line in my house the pressure pushes the plastic fitting right off. the piece you use to connect to a sink is not holding at all.

  11. ok so i just got some copper pipe installed to run with my RO unit. i have a hose barb fitting at the end of the line. it seems to be too much pressure for the barb fitting that came with the RO unit. any suggestions on how to solve this problem?

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