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I started to use zeovit on my tank on Tuesday and today with no lights I saw some tip burn on one of my SPS. Could it be that I am dosing too much? My daily dosing is as follows:


- Zeobak: 1 drop

- ZeoStart3: 0.2ml + 0.8 water = 1ml via dosing pump

- Zeofood7: 1 drop

- 1/3L Zeoliths in a reactor



All this is for a 33 gallon tank - 20% (rocks, equipment, etc) ~~ 25 gallons


Any help will be appreciated.






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What is your alk? Also, go very slow with dosing zeo. A little goes a long way. Have you read the guide and have a good understanding of the process?

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Too much Zeobak. You should do 1 drop per 25 gallons every 3 days. So you should do 1 drop every 2 days to get the 1.5 drops every 3 days. Not saying that's what's the cause for your issue but may in the long run. I do 6 drops every 3 days on my 120 gallon (154 total volume).

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What is your alk? Also, go very slow with dosing zeo. A little goes a long way. Have you read the guide and have a good understanding of the process?


Alk is at 9 and yes I read the zeo documentation before I started. Thats how I came along with those dosing quantities.



Too much Zeobak. You should do 1 drop per 25 gallons every 3 days. So you should do 1 drop every 2 days to get the 1.5 drops every 3 days. Not saying that's what's the cause for your issue but may in the long run. I do 6 drops every 3 days on my 120 gallon (154 total volume).


I am currently in the 14 day cycle and according to the documentation, it should be 1 drop a day for 14 days and 1 drop every 3 days after that.


thanks for your help guys

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Well I am dosing Cal & Alk so I will check it today. I ordered a new Salifert test kit as well but will check with my API.


What about temperature? I added a new mag2 to the water and I havent monitor it...


Can temperature being high cause tip burn? or ful RTN?

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Newb question. What's zeovit? Seen it mentioned a few times, googled it. Looks like some proprietary system of chemicals?...

Zeovit is a process developed by a german guy named Thomas Pohl and consists of getting your system into ULNS mode and dose a set of additives to enhance growth, color, quality, etc... Some people say the additives its just snake oil but I disagree.. Before going zeovit, some requirements are to have strong lights, strong skimmer, run carbon (mesh bag or reactor), stabilize CAL, ALK, MAG, PHOS & Potassium  (K). 


These is a good example of a great zeovit tank: http://reefkeeping.com/joomla/index.php/current-issue/article/139-tank-of-the-month

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Ah. SPS only?


You can use it with other types of corals but the method is more oriented for people who wants SPS since these are the most challenging corals to keep.

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