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Fish Compatibility


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I have 38 gal. nano, keeping at 79 degrees.  And thanks to some generous WAMAS members, I have started ½ dozen different soft coral frags starting.  No anemones because have experience of them killing corals.


Current stock:  pair of oceclarius clowns, lawn mower blenny, firefish goby (had 2 but one disappeared), hermet crabs (maybe 10), snails, and 4 feather dusters.  The lawn mower blenny chases the firefish sometimes.  Most of the time the firefish goby is hiding.


I would like to add just a few more fish.  My thoughts are to buy:  royal gramma, shrimpgoby-yellow watchman, 5 peppermint shrimp and 3 emerald crabs.


Do you think there will be any fighting between the shrimpgoby and lawn mower blenny?


If you see a serious incompatibility or something I should not do, might you have a suggestion for another fish – kinda need low $$$ and would like color non-hiding fish.  (I know, wishful thinking.)

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Those fish aren't very active (as in not big water column swimmers). You also probably don't need 3 emerald crabs in a 38. The lawnmower blenny will probably continue to harass the firefish as well..

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I have 2 emerald crabs in my 120 gallon and they take care of all my bubble algea. If you put three in your tank, they will probably kill each other as they tend to be very territorial and can get bigger than most expect. Blennys and gobies do not always get along and he will probably continue to pick the firefish and may pick on the shrimp gobie, I would recommend selling one or the other. Firefish also have a bad habbit of killing each other, I started with 8 in my 120 and after 4 months had a bonded pair. They had killed the rest of them over time, they are like green chromis in this respect. It is true you dont have a lot of very active fish on your list. Your tank size is the biggest restriciton as most of the really active fish tend to get big like tangs and anthias. In my experience though, the less active fish become more active if surrounded by other timid species.


If it were me I would:

- Sell the firefish and keep the lawnmower blenny.

-Add the royal gramma or an orchid dottyback

Wrasses are the best way to add color and movement to a tank of your size, I would also look at these fish:





-THe sixline can be mean, I would not get him and a royal gramma/orchid dottyback. He would be ok with the clowns though and I dont think he would bother the blenny.



My suggested stocking would be:

-Lawnmower blenny

-Pair of clowns

-Royal Gramma

-Yellow Corris wrasse

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