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Pocillpora meandrina or Montiopora flabellata


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By any chance, does anyone have, or know of a source for either Pocillopora meandrina (a.k.a. Rose coral/Cauliflower coral)




and/or Montipora flabellata (a.k.a Blue rice coral)




I have done several dives while vacationing with the family in Maui, both are very common, and both would be a nice/fun addition to our reef if I can find a legal source.


I have been tempted to pack in a frag or two, but a quick google search suggests that this would be ill-advised (anyone with experience here?). My first thought was to ship a few frags through a LFS, but captured coral apparently is illegal on the islands and all LFS are fish-only.


Thanks for any leads, Steve

Edited by Steve175
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  • 2 months later...

We are now in Tahiti (10th Anniversary) and I am again being taunted by these 2 corals. Given how widely distributed across the Pacific they appear to be, I cannot understand how a strain hasn't made it into the hobby. The Rice is an awesome tricolor blue and the Cauliflower is a very nice pink with a very interesting growth pattern.

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A lot of people do it... but if you get caught the fines and penalties are steep. Most times its just not worth it.

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