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Looking for Donations


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Hello everyone, I'm once again looking for donations for my school. Apparently, the bug has caught on. We already have a 15 and a 33 w/sump at my school, and another two teachers have asked if I can help them set up tanks. One already has a tank, so I'm assuming that I'm looking only for lights, live rock, and possibly some substrate for hers, and another has nothing but is looking for a smallish tank (probably around a 15 or 20 at most). Again, I have some filters that can be used with it and can build the rest, but I'm probably looking for lights, rock, and substrate again.


The caveat with all of this is that I'm looking for lighting/equipment that is both quiet and safe for a school environment. One of the new tanks will be in 6th grade and the other will be in 3rd/4th grade. Any help that you can give would be wonderful.


Of course, I'm always looking for frags and livestock donations as well, so if you've got anything that you're getting rid of, please consider asking me before you list it as it's hard to compete during the school day with bidding. Also, if you're tearing down your tank, let us know, we are always willing to "scavenge"!


By the way, I was also authorized last year to provide our tax ID number, so if you feel that you can deduct it from your taxes, I typically will give full retail value of most or all donations, and since I go with prices from Marine Scene, that can mean significantly more monetarily as a deduction than you would get selling it to another reefer.


Thanks in advance for your consideration!



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