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I need some more opinions on possible parasite problem....


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On my build thread i mention about my blenny and firefish itching. I didnt see any white spots.


While i was looking at both the firefish and the tribal blenny, i noticed each one has a few small dark spots.


Is there ich with dark spots? What is this? Im done watching these fish itch and want to make some moves asap, before the fish get worse.


Im down to shred the aquascape....whatever. i just need to figure out what im really treating for before i start hauling rock out of the tank



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Does it sound like this?


What is Black Spot Disease?Typically a "disease" that is most commonly associated with Tangs and Surgeonfishes, but one that can be contracted by other species as well, what is referred to as Black Spot Disease, Tang Disease or Black Ich is actually caused by an infestation of tiny GenusParavortex member turbellarian flatworms.


Although parasitic organisms that are much less dangerous and life-threatening, as well as rather easy to get rid of compared to other ich diseases such as Oodinium, Cryptocaryon, and Brooklynella, nonetheless it is a problem that needs to be treated upon recognition to eradicate infected fishes of these parasites.


The Life Cycle of These Worms


  • Living in the substrate until mature, an adult worm seeks out a host fish.
  • After feeding for about six days, it falls off into the substrate.
  • About five days later the worm's body ruptures and releases a new population of young worms, and the cycle starts again, but in larger numbers.

Symptoms to Look For


Once these worms start feeding on a host fish they acquire pigmentation, which causes the appearance of black spots about the size of a grain of salt on the body and fin membranes. Worms that freely move about on fish, the spots do not always remain stationary. On light colored fish they are easy to see, whereas on dark colored ones they may go unnoticed at first. Fish will scratch up against objects in an attempt to dislodge the parasites, and if allowed to progress the fish become lethargic, loss of appetite and colors occur, rapid respiration develops, and secondary bacterial infections can invade damaged tissue sites.


Treatment Recommendation


Give all infected fish a freshwater dip, followed by a formalin bath and continue treatment in a QT.


Preventing Reinfestation


Reinfection will occur no matter how effectively the fish have been treated if these parasitic tubellarian worms are not eradicated from the main aquarium. Unfortunately because they can survive for several months without a host, this is often not an easy thing to do, but here are some suggestions.


  • Leave the main aquarium devoid of all fish for several months.
  • Young worms live in the substrate and feed on detritus and organic debris until such time they mature and go in search of a fish host. By siphoning up excess organic matter that can build up on the bottom of the aquarium can help to control their numbers.
  • For fish-only tanks that have no freshwater sensitive invertebrates present, hyposalinity can be applied.

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It sure sounds like a possibility, it is just really hard to tell because there is only about 2 small spots on the firefish, and 2-4 spots on the dark colored tribal blenny(makes it very hard to tell). I'm not 100% sure what I'm dealing with here, but I do know I'm ready to move all the rocks out of the DT in order to catch these fish. I can't keep watching them(especially the blenny) itch the way they are.


Will a 20g QT tank be sufficient to hold the 3 fish I have?(yasha goby, tribal blenny, and purple firefish)


I also have a 40 breeder but was don't really want to taint it with any medications in the event I want to use it. If you think I should though, I'll do what I've gotta do.....it makes me feel terrible just watching them itch.

Edited by nbgen12
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I hope you figure it out. Maybe a cleaner shrimp would help. Since the worm moves around the fish, that would be something the shrimp could pick off.



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Me too man. I grabbed a cleaner shrimp on saturday, but I haven't seen him take any interest in the fish yet.

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My cleaner shrimp have taken about 2 weeks to set up "stations" .


I would try to catch the fish and put them in QT for 30 days. I know it's a pain but it's probably the best option. Do you have any other fish id your DT?


If not, then it would be a great idea, because not only can you treat the fish in QT, leaving your DT fallow ( without fish) would help clear any parasites from the DT also.


Good luck!

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