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Huge Coral Sale and lots of Clearance Items!


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Greetings Fish Friends!


Yay for beautiful weather! We hope everyone has been enjoying this break from the heat and humidity. We have had a great week here and hope to spread out the greatness! Lots of beautiful fish and corals to select from for all aquarium types. While you are out cruising with the windows down and the wind in your face, take a pit-stop at your favorite fish store and let us help you select your next coral, fish or invert! We are also clearing out some inventory so this is a great opportunity to upgrade your skimmer, add some LED lighting or replace a main system pump. Check out our "What's On Sale" section for more information.


Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing you this weekend!



What's New


Have you been pondering how to fill in that low lit area in your tank? Or the area that gets too much or not enough current? Well ponder no more! We have a huge selection of corals to fill in any of those gaps in your tank. Beautiful Blastomussa corals are a perfect fit under indirect or lower lighting and a low to moderate flow rate. Birds Nest coral love high light and a high flow rate and grow beautifully in many different reef systems. Montipora are a very hardy coral that just about adapts to any aquarium conditions. Bubble corals are also a great filler for a lower lit and flow rate area and they are quite unique and pretty. If you’re looking for some “flowy” corals, check out the Torch, Hammer and Frogspawn colonies we have. They are very easy to care for, require a moderate to high light and a moderate flow rate. Our LPS display at the end of our last coral isle displays these corals beautifully. Looking for more unique and rare corals? We have a selection of Acanthastrea frags and small colonies, some Chalice frags, SPS frags among others. So remember, you can almost always find a coral that will thrive in a certain spot in your aquarium, and we are here to help you locate it! For a sneak peek at what’s currently available, click here!


If you missed it last week, we still have a great selection available of Ricordea polyps! We have brought these in previously and they have been a big hit. They come in a variety of colors, mainly yellows, golds, blues, greens and oranges. The single polyps are sold individually so you can select your preferred colors and we even have some small rocks made up of a variety of the colors as well. We have a multi-purchase price-break for those of you who want a variety of colors too! Ricordea prefer a low to moderate lighting and a low flow rate. Take care when acclimating them to an aquarium with metal halides, they should be placed very low in the aquarium and even could benefit from the indirect lighting. Otherwise they adapt quite well under most lighting. They are also great for mix-n-matching the colors and creating a colorful mushroom garden in an area of your tank.


Our newest fish and invert arrivals this week include Royal Grammas, Midas Blennies, Lawnmower Blennies, Starry Blennies, Klein's Butterflies, Red Scooter Dragonets, Flame Cardinals, Azure Damsels, Clown Gobies - Greens and Yellows, Helfrichi Firefish, Hi Fin Banded Gobies, Pearly Jawfish, Watchman Gobies, Orange Spotted Sleeper Gobies (Diamond Watchmans), Gold Head Sleeper Gobies, Randall's Shrimp Gobies, Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, Bicolor Dottyback, Purple Dottyback, Diadema Dottyback, Two Bar Spinefoot Rabbitfish, Naso Tang (med), Blonde Naso Tang - male (med), Powder Blue Tang (med), Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse, Yellow Coris Wrasse, Pinstriped (Hoeven's) Melanurus Wrasse, Vermiculate Leopard Wrasse – male, Six Line Wrasse, Christmas Wrasse (Fiji), Bumble Bee Snails, Fighting Conchs, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Randall's Pistol Shrimp and Sand Sifting Starfish. We are way more stocked that just the previous mentioned so make sure to check out our website for availability and pricing or better yet, stop in and see it first hand! And don't forget to scroll down our online newsletter for our 20% off Fish Coupon!


We have a tank full of Peach Briarium encrusted live rock available for $9.99 per pound. All sizes of rocks available and almost all fully encrusted with Briarium coral.


Don’t forget to check out our up-to-date livestock availability and pricing on our website!


Check Out What's Available Now!



What's On Sale


ALL CORALS ON SALE! Buy one coral and get 10% off, buy two and get 15% off both, buy three or more and get 20% off each! This is definitely a deal that you don't want to pass up, especially with all the selection we have! Some corals are already on a bigger sale, even up to 50% off! (Sale not combined with already discounted corals and does not include Nano Corals and Zoanthid Frags.) (expires 08/16/11)


CLEARANCE ITEMS! We are doing some late Spring Cleaning and need to clear out some inventory. So we are passing the savings on to you! Make sure to check out our FLYER for the entire list of these great specials. (Clearance prices good only while supplies last!)


Protein Skimmers: Euro Reef and CPR Bak Pak skimmers are discounted at least 20% off.


Blueline Moonlights, IceCap 2' LED Strip and CUSA Powerbright Lunar Strip Lights are $20 off! The Powerbright Lunar lights are a 12" strip light with 4 LED’s per strip and they are linkable! The Blueline Moonlights are nice and compact - about an inch square - are available in a single LED, a quad LED and a dimmable LED unit. IceCap's LED strip lights are compact like T5 bulbs and put off a nice wavelength of moon lighting. Each of these are great for adding a bit of moon light to your setup.


ReeFlo Pumps: ReeFlo pumps are a great main system return pump for large systems. These pumps are discounted at least 20% off.


Halide Bulb Clearance! Stock up on bulbs with this great closeout sale! Savings of up to 50% off! We are just discontinuing stocking these bulbs so if in the future you need a replacement, we can always reorder them for you!


Check out our online newsletter for some used equipment now at reduced prices!



Did You Know?


Did you know that almost all corals, and some invertebrates such as anemones, require higher intensity lighting than just regular fluorescent bulbs? A good rule of thumb to lighting is to have about 3-5 watts of light per gallon. You can definitely have more light to be able to keep SPS corals and clams, but for a wide range of soft and stony corals and most anemones, 3-5 watts per gallon should be fine. A few different types of lighting that you can use to keep live corals are PC’s (Power Compacts), VHO’s (Very High Output) and Metal Halides which includes a mogul base (screw-in) and/or HQI (double-ended) bulbs. There are many ways to upgrade your lighting. Some ways include buying a lighting unit containing the appropriate lights such as a Halide unit or a PC unit, or buying a retro kit and installing the lighting yourself into a canopy or an old light strip. The Marine Scene has a wide variety of different kinds of lighting units and retro units including PC’s, VHO’s and Metal Halides so please come by to get more information and choose the appropriate one for your tank. There are even Lunar lights you can also add to your tank so you can view all the night activity.

Edited by marinescene
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