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Retrofitting a Calcium Reactor

salmon alley

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Hi everybody.


I posted this on RC and got precisely ZERO replies.


So here goes round two:


I've got a dual chamber calcium reactor which I had made by Coralhound a couple of years ago. It has worked fine over the years, but opening and closing the chambers is a real PITA. The acrylic tubes each have a threaded rubber gasket insert at the top. A large plastic male threaded adapter screws into the gasket and squeezes it against the acrylic to form a waterproof seal.

Here's the problem: In order to prevent leaks, you need to really tighten this bad boy down, and once that's done, it's very difficult to get undone. (the smooth acrylic cylinders don't make for a very good handle to get torque)


So, I'm looking for advice on how to modify the tops for easier access. I'm acrylically impaired, so something simple and straightforward would be better.


As an added feature, I'd like to install an unused CO2 recirc line into the top as well.




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I think your best bet is to remove the top. Cut through with a bansaw or similar. Then attach a new top. You can pickup matched acyrlic flanges from myreefcreation.com possible lifereef, and some other sites that are escaping me at the moment. If you get the top straight, gluing it on will be easy.



The top is flat straight, so just drill holes and pickup a threading tap at home depot (they cost about $5).

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Thanks Michael.

So Andy at Myreefcreations will sell the flanged tops?

I'll have to drop him an email.




I think your best bet is to remove the top.  Cut through with a bansaw or similar.  Then attach a new top.  You can pickup matched acyrlic flanges from myreefcreation.com possible lifereef, and some other sites that are escaping me at the moment.  If you get the top straight, gluing it on will be easy.

The top is flat straight, so just drill holes and pickup a threading tap at home depot (they cost about $5).


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