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20% off All Clownfish!...and more sales!


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Happy Friday Fish Friends!


It's been a busy week with livestock shipments and all you customers! We love it and appreciate all your continued support!


The Marine Scene now has a Facebook page! Become a fan and get updated first with new stock and other important information!


Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing you this weekend!


~The Marine Scene Team



What's New


Rod's Food Original, Herbivore and Coral blends are in stock in multiple sizes. This complete food is great for feeding your entire reef system including fish, coral and inverts!


Berghia Nudibranchs are still in stock. These tiny creatures are a natural aiptasia predator and do a great job of eating aiptasia in aquariums. If you are having an issue with these pesky Aiptasia anemones, stop in and pick up a few of the Berghia's. Once all your Aiptasia has been eaten by the Berghia, the Berghia can be removed and passed along to the next tank in need of the awesome aiptasia predators. A more natural way than using other aiptasia killing products.


A nice selection of fish are currently in stock: Coral Beauty Angels, a juvenile Emperor Angel, Flame Angels, a gorgeous Majestic Angel, Atlantic Pygmy Angels, a female Swallowtail Angel, Chalk Bass, Bicolor Blennies, ORA Black Lined Fang Blennies, Lawnmower Blennies, Midas Blennies, Starry Blennies, ORA Bangaii Cardinals, Long Spine Cardinals, Pajama Cardinals, Orange Striped and Flame Cardinals, all kinds of ORA Clownfish, Azure Damsels, Blue Damsels, Bluefin Damsels, Yellowtail Damsels, Three Striped Damsels, Green Chromis, Green and Spotted Mandarin Dragonets, Red Scooter Dragonets, Cave Gobies, a Citron Goby, Yellow and Green Clown Gobies, Engineer Gobies, Firefish, Green Banded Gobies, Helfrichi Firefish, Purple Firefish, Hi Fin Banded Gobies, Randall's Shrimp Goby, Blue Neon Gobies, a Red Head Goby, Tangaroa Goby, Scissortail Gobies, Yellow Watchman Gobies, a pretty Marine Betta, spunky Flame Hawkfish, Longnose Hawkfish, Spotted Hawkfish, Candy Hogs, a Highfin Perchlet, Pink and Purple Pygmy Anthias, female Squareback Anthias, Neon Dottybacks, Bicolor Dottys, Diadema Dottys, Orchid Dottys, Royal Grammas, ORA Yellow Assessors, a Valentine Puffer, Foxface Rabbitfish, small Blonde Naso Tang, Bristletooth Tomini Tang, Desjardini Sailfin Tang, small and large Hippo Tangs, Kole Tangs, Mimic Tang, Naso Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Purple Tang, Sailfin Tangs, a Brown Scopas Tang, Yellow Tangs, a colorful Harlequin Tusk, Hoeven's (Pinstriped) Wrasse, a Red Head Fairy Wrasse, Six Line Wrasse, Yellow Coris Wrasse and a few others.


We are fully stocked with all sorts of critters to add some character to your tank along with cleaning up algaes and overfeedings. Rose Anemones, Green Bubble Tip Anemones, Long Tentacle Anemones, Flower and Condylactus Anemones, ORA Maxima and Deresa Clams, Flame Scallops, Sally Lightfoot and Mithrax Crabs, Porcelain and Pom Pom/Boxing Crabs, Red Leg, Blue Leg and Burgundy Leg Hermits, Arrow Crabs, Pygmy Sand Sifting Cucumbers, Pink-n-Green Cucumbers, Sea Hares, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Sexy Anemone Shrimp, Tiger Pistol Shrimp, Fire Shrimp, Coral Banded Shrimp, Trochus, Margarita, Astrea and Turbo Snails, Cerith and Nassarius Snails, Chestnut Algae Cowries, Serpent Stars, Sand Sifting Stars, Red Fromia Stars, Blue and Orange Linkia Stars, Short Spined and Pencil Urchins, Feather Dusters and Coco Worms, and so many more!


Hundreds of awesome coral are in stock, check out the photos link for some close ups of current, in stock items. Make sure to stop in and see all the rest!


Photos Link...



What's On Sale


Sales are good from Friday, May 21st through Saturday, May 22nd.


All Clownfish are 20% off! Clownfish are a favorite among many and are typically found in almost every saltwater aquarium. We carry all captive bred Clowns from ORA so they are much hardier than wild caught and have already adapted well to captivity. If you are still deciding on a particular clown for your aquarium, stop in and speak with one of our knowledgable sales associates and we can help you choose the right Clownfish for your tank. Our Platinum Percula Clowns are now 50% off!


A large selection of corals are marked 20% OFF! With all this new coral in we need to make some room so we are help you to help us by taking 20% off a great selection of all types of coral.


Alor and Pohnpei Live Rock Sale! Alor Live Rock is on sale for $6.99/lb (originally $8.99/lb). There are lots of great shelving pieces to add to an existing or new setup that need a bit of extra rock for coral placement or for making caves. This rock has lots of microalgaes and other beneficial growth. Pohnpei Live Rock is on sale for $4.19/lb (originally $6.19/lb). Pohnpei is a bit more boulder-like than the Alor but is a great structural rock and has lots of growth to it.


Selected Marc Weiss and Weiss Organic products are 50% off! Weiss products are made from either natural or USDA certified organic materials. The products are designed to condition water and creating an Environmental Equilibrium for the aquarium hobbyist. Products on sale include: Reef Vital DNA, Immuno Vital, Black Powder, Combo Vital, Coral Vital, Amino Vital, Immuno-Vital Marine, Live Sand Booster, Funky Old Reef Mud, Algae Magic, Coral Boost, Sand Boost and more!


Selected Kent Supplements are 50% off! Kent Marine has a variety of different supplements for marine aquariums to help keep water parameters within the correct ranges which in turn increase the health of the aquariums livestock. Stock up on supplements! Kent supplements that are on sale include: Liquid Calcium; Tech-I (Iodide); Iodine; Strontium & Molybdenum; ProBuffer dKH; Coral-Vite; Ammonia Detox; Garlic Xtreme 1 oz bottles; SuperBuffer dKH.


There are a bunch of new and used items up for incredible prices...we are practically giving this stuff away! Included items are: A Pacific Coast 1/10th HP Chiller unit that looks like it was never even taken out of the box is a steal for $350; a CPR Aquafuge sump/fuge w/o light is only $299 brand new! We also have an Oceanic Stand and Canopy in cherry for a 150 gallon tank priced at $900. The canopy is retrofit with 6x96 watt PC lighting including the reflectors, bulbs and ballasts. The tanks and the furniture are still in our storage unit so if you are interested please let us know. We also have a used AquaPod 12 gallon tank and stand for $200. PFO PC Ballasts (new); Eclipse 12 stand (new); Seachem Substrates (new); Tap Water Filter (new); and many other items. All purchases are final, as is, no warranties.



Did You Know?


Did you know that False Percula Clowns are not at all a Percula? False Percula Clowns are actually Ocellaris yet are commonly known as the False Percula because they look almost identical to the True Percula Clownfish. As juveniles, the Ocellaris and the Percula look very similar with orange bodies marked with white bands outlined in black. The False or Ocellaris tends to be the more popular among many aquarists due to their brilliant orange and white colorations. The True or Percula clowns grow to have a paler orange and the black outline of the white bands gets thicker almost taking over the entire midsection of the clown. True Perculas are more prized for the amount of black they have on them along with the pattern of their stripes as they can have quite distinctive patterns with names such as Platinum, Picasso and Snowflake. You can also tell the difference if you have the patience enough to count the dorsal spines as the False, or Ocellaris, has 11 spines and the True, or Percula, has only 10. So next time you are walking around the store wondering why some are called False and some True, you will know the answer. Do you know which kind of clownfish you have?


Here are some coral pictures:


photo9.jpg photo8.jpg photo7.jpg photo6.jpg photo5.jpg photo4.jpg photo3.jpg photo24.jpg photo23.jpg photo22.jpg photo21.jpg photo20.jpg photo14.jpg photo15.jpg photo16.jpg photo18.jpg photo19.jpg photo2.jpg photo1.jpg photo10.jpg photo11.jpg photo12.jpg

and here are some fish and invert pictures:

photo43.jpg photo45.jpg photo46.jpg photo47.jpg photo49.jpg photo41.jpg photo40.jpg photo39.jpg photo38.jpg photo37.jpg photo36.jpg photo34.jpg photo28.jpg photo29.jpg photo30.jpg photo27.jpg photo26.jpg photo25.jpg

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