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Tetra/CBS Early Show/ Finding Nemo


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Not sure if everyone has seen the CBS Early Show or heard about Carol Huntley Weber's remarks from Tetra on "how easy it is" to keep marine fish in a 5 gallon mini-bowfront tank...But here is the link. Sad thing is she added 1 blue tang, 2 clownfish, 2 seahorses, and 1 brittle star to a 5 gallon tank without any mention of salt, proper diet, water volume, acclimation and species selection, etc.


Here is the link, please post on ReefCentral and send Tetra and CBS a letter or email in response. Thanks for helping to keep the hobby alive and environmentally responsible!


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here are the e-mails for the morningshow and tetra-

CBS, earlyshow@cbs.com and TETRA, consumer@tetra-fish.com


I will draft up a letter for the club from the officers.  I sent a letter to both.   It will be far more effective if they get lots of e-mails.  Though from the sounds of the responses people have recieved from tetra, they don't care as they know they have a hold on all the major chains and thus their market of newbies will always continue.

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I wrote to both yesterday also.  I watched the video on Reefcentral.com.  The literally "poured" the bowl of fish into the newly set up aquarium.
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This is becoming the single most popular thread on ReefCentral, and probably of all time by the end of this week. Seems as though a few people have also gone a step further (the second segment where Tetra put Piranha into a tank -which is illegal in NY), and contacted the ASPCA Legal Department, etc. So far the response from Tetra gmbh has been to contact TetraUSA. I doubt any response will be given, but just remember next time you visit any store to avoid their products. We all know there are so many better alternatives for dry foods, etc. it's just a shame a major company has done something like this on National TV, thus helping to end our hobby in the long run, and increase mortality rates amongst wild caught specimens. Thanks for WAMAS help! Much appreciated! Thanks to Tamie & Bob too! (Dentists & Aquarists...what a match outside of Nemo! haha)
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I will mention it at the meeting on Saturday as well for those that do not visit the website often.
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Although I do not think we have sold any of the members Tetra products, if we have feel free to provide invoice # for recall. The letter below has been sent out to our client base and was also posted on ReefCentral.com.


"This is a letter we have prepared and are still sending to our base of over 250 clients (service, consulting, install, and brief retail)....


Dear (client name here)

Recently, we have received notice that a major aquarium product manufacturer (TetraUSA) had appeared on national television to promote their line of products in lieu of the recent Disney/Pixar motion picture release of "Finding Nemo."


During a mini-segment on television, a representative from the above mentioned company proceeded to tell viewers how easy and affordable it could be to maintain the actual saltwater fish which the movie characters were based on. The rep displayed a 5 gallon mini-bow tank that could be purchased for $50 at most retailers, a few of her companies products (which were actually for freshwater applications), a Blue Hippo Tang ; 2x Clownfish ; 2x Seahorses; and a common starfish. There was no mention of the environment needing a salt mix, hydrometer, or the necessary equipment and requirements to maintain the organisms properly. Some of our customers have deemed this an unfortunate excuse for the company to grow profits on the un-expecting public by proclaiming how easy it is to maintain precious (mainly wild-caught) saltwater fish and invertebrates. As a company, we agree wholeheartedly with our client base, and are outraged with this stunt pulled by a major industry manufacturer to grow their market presence by showing willful disregard for the livestock in question.


In response to this issue raised by our valued clients and various members in the marine provider and consumer industry we will be offering a "buyback" of all Tetra products within our own client base (freshwater & marine) and will be contacting various product manufacturers who will be willing to put their products in front of our customers. If you have any products made by the company in question, please contact your service provider as soon as possible for pickup, credit, and replacement of the items. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and we assure you as a company we are dedicated to the proper care and selection of all marine livestock to be displayed in your aquatic exhibits.




Rich Watson

Director of Sales & Client Development





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