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Dr. Mac's New Store - status


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NOTE: Copy and past from his post on his R/C forum 10/8/03


* Latest communication From Mac this week: Mac said he is trying to make it to the meeting on the 18th.


Anyway, his post on store status:


Thanks for asking.


Coming along well, we are in the final stretch of construction on the building--ending in the next couple of weeks, then will finish up the incidentals inside. Already starting to set up of the tanks and vats. I'm hoping all this will be done by the first of the year and then have visitors by appointment until we get fully stocked. Once fully stocked and sure everything is complete we will be opening on the weekends to hobbyists, during the week for wholesale to stores and by appointment to hobbyists, plus our current mail order business. The main focus of the facility is coral propagation with a greenhouse for Acropora and other SPS. There are a total of 16 growing vats 12' x 3', plus 2-200 gal.display tanks, 6 large divided fish and invert systems--mostly for captive bred clownfish pairs and other captive bred fish, plus we will have net caught fish and tons of inverts. Also, we will have several vats for imported corals SPS, soft, LPS, all in sep. systems with a capacity for literally hundreds of corals. We will have limited selection of dry goods such as lamps, salt, test kits, foods, etc., not much in the way of skimmers, light fixtures, and that type of stuff. Plus fresh cultured phytoplankton and rotifers and homemade foods will be offered.


Anyway, its exciting and a bit scary--hoping we don't go bankrupt in the meantime (just kidding). It will be a bit of a drive for folks to get to us on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, but we will have the largest and best selection of reef animals anywhere in the US and you can always tell the wife you are taking her for a romantic drive to the beach and stroll on the boardwalk at Ocean City and then just happen to stumble upon Dr. Mac's place on the way home as you explore Delmarva! Hey, there are even several good farm stands near the new store that make great homemade pies, I know--I've tried them all!!




View pics here: Mac's pics of new facility

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