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frog fraggin


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ive had a frogspawn in my tank for about 2 1/2 months. its getting huge though, about 9 or 10 inches across the top fully opened. its got about 7 or 8 heads on it and just started growing 2 new branches. i was wondering how hard these are to frag and if anybody has done it. how big should it be before i start trying to cut branches. if its easy and quick i would like to get the branches in the back that you cant see somewhere else in my tank.

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I purchased a frogspawn couple of years ago. It's gone from 2 heads to over 20. I've fragged it several times with no problems. Just cut low on the branch and make a clean cut. Don't "break it" cut it and it should be fine.

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thanks for the tips about cutting it. how could i do it without a dremmel tool? what would happen if i tried to break it. im only asking, i wont try if its gunna hurt it. how long can it be out of the water when i try to frag it.

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I would recommend a hacksaw - the fine teeth make it much cleaner, plus they're quite cheap.


Do it while the coral is sleeping, and retracted; keeping it wet (spray/sprinkle tank water on it) should minimize stress. The longer it's out of the water, the more stress! Also be sure to rinse it in another container of tank water, and then throw that water away - stress will make most corals exude nastiness.


In terms of just snapping it, it'd work just fine as long as it snaps in the right spot, far away from the living heads - ensuring the proper snap is the hard part, and any damage to the root would likely kill the head. The skeleton is non-living, but the living part extends into it an inch or two, depending on the size of the head.


Good luck!


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