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Hi all,


I just found out about WAMAS. Glad to be joining. I am new to saltwater but have been into freshwater for about a year (currently 4 tanks up and running, 5 10 29 & 75 gals). I live in Falls Church.

Look forward to chat with you all and perhaps meet some of you at the next meeting.





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Welcome aboard.  Have you joined the WAMAS organization yet?  (i.e., did you pay the dues  :p ?)


Make sure you come to the meeting april 12.  This is a great chance to see/hear a great speaker and get some frags and knowledge.  


Let us know what kinds of things you are looking for.  Chances are, someone might give it to you, or make a trade (dead presidents are always welcome to the traders.)

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Yes, just joined this morning and sent my check a hour ago.  :D

I'll be at the meeting on April 12th.

As a matter of fact I am loking for a LOT of stuff and questions. I decided to set up my first saltwater tank and am currently reading a lot and doing my homework. I will problably go for a FOWLR tank.


What I am looking for right now is a drilled tank in the 65 gal range (shopping around the various LFS in the area as well as the classifieds), and all the stuff that goes along with, protein skimmers ect... Any store and hardware recommendations are welcome at this point. I don't mind buying used material either, providing that the person selling it is reliable. I am in no rush, what counts is making things the right way   :;):


And thanks all for your kind welcome

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your account will be fully activated once we get your check, we have another forum for trading and selling in a members only section.  

I recently bought a 58 oceanic that has built in overflows that was found used through the guys here (a slightly shorter version of a 65).  Got a real good price on it.  

We all keep our eyes open when someone is looking for something.

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That's great. I really appreciate it :) Nice tank you got there, I saw one of those at a LFS the other day  :;):  I am not partial at all for the size, just around 65 will do, and if the price is good even better  :D


Thanks again



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If you're a little flexible on the size, 75g and 90g tanks are relatively common.  They're available used here and in the paper on a regular basis.  Welcome aboard.



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Yep I am flexible on the size to a certain extent  :) (wich has to do with my wife's input more than real space availability in the house  :D ).

On a serious note, 75s and 90s would be the max due to their length and weight considerations.

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The types of fish may make a big of difference in the fowlr tank as well.  If they are active swimmers, a 4 ft long tank is generally better.  Feel free to put up your ideas you have now for how you see the tank and what you want to keep.  A whole lot of opinions from a relatively friendly group to help you along.  Though sometimes, well actually usually, you never get a concensus but rather a whole lot more to think about.
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I've seen that concensus problem in other freshwater forums too. Not a problem, I am used to it.

Quite frankly, as I've mentionned earlier, this will be my FIRST SW experience, and besides that FOWL seems to be one of the easiest ways to learn the tricks of the trade, I do not now yet what the stock would be. What I envision for now, are LR + LS, a few easy to maintain fishes, assorted inverts for cleaning. Correct me if I am wrong but I've been told that corals in a new established tank are not a good idea (although some might come already with the LR), more particularly when the hobbyist lacks knowledge. And anemones should be out of question for the first nine months, or so I've been told.

All suggestions are welcome at this point, and without having the tank yet, it's a little hard to get a more precise idea.

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You are right, you do not want to put corals into a new system.  Time is of the essence, and the longer you give it, the better off you and your tank will be.


The big item for coral keeping is light.  And light is the one BIG expense area.  If you are looking to go on the cheap and go with fish only, then lighting is not so critical.  If you are looking to do it right, go with good lighting (VHO, PC or Medal Halide.)


The other items you mentioned are need for FOWLR or reefs.  Certainly a FOWLR tank with lots of light will become an invert rich environment, if you do not stock with preditory fish.  The rock and sand will bring in lot of critters and algae.


Anyway, good luck!  Let us know how we can help. :D

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I'm relatively new to reefs, (tried FOWLR many years ago) and have found keeping many species of corals quite easy as long as you keep up with parameters like pH, Calcium, Alkalinity... and have adequate lighting. Some corals are quite easy and some folks in this group have it growing out the yazoo  :p
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You are right Quazi, lights ARE expensive. As I will certainly go for a reef in the medium term, I'll prolly go with PCs first. Then will see. At any rate, I wont be pushing things while learning the ropes, and yes I WILL need help and sound advise. Feel free to fire at will people *ducks under the desk :D *
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Guest tgallo
hey jm welcome to the club, if you need help  in the electrical area let me know, tony.
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Guest andrejka

I've started my tank as FOWLR with 2 NO fluorescent bulbs a year ago. I've upgraded to 4 VHOs by now but do regret that I didn't go with MHs from the VERY BEGINING!!!

Trust me, you'll want to keep SPS corals very soon (with all those beautiful frags available from members) :)

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Tony and Andrey,


Thanks a lot. I will keep it in mind. You'll be certainly be hearing from me as I will need as much advise and tips as I can get.


Tony, I've read that you were about to move tanks and need some help. If you haven't done it yet, I'll be glad to help. Let me know when  :)

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Guest tgallo
thanks jm, i wont be moving the tank until the first week of may, and  your more then welcome to come by.
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Thanks Tony, got any dates in mind? The WE of May 3rd I'll be in North Carolina but the one before and the one after I'm avail. Can manage a day during the week too. Let me know.



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