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Anyone have any experiance with putting neon gobies with a yellow watchman goby in a 125g with lots of LR. I'm considering both, but if it will be a problem then I need to choose one.


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Anyone have any experiance with putting neon gobies with a yellow watchman goby in a 125g with lots of LR. I'm considering both, but if it will be a problem then I need to choose one.



I've had them together in a 12g nano for a couple of days. Just saw the neon cleaning the watchman tonight. No issue at all so far. (both are tiny!!)


If you are looking for a watchman, he is probably for sale or trade (depending what I hear from the person who was *supposed* to be his owner). It's a really little tiny one right now....probably just over one inch long, if that.



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In my 54g corner tank, the three blue stripe neons don't mess with my yellow watchman at all. The one older neon does chase around one of the younger ones a lot though.



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AWESOME..... appreciate the first hand experience. I will go with my original plane of a watchman and maybe 4 neons.



My friend has one and will probably take that off of his hands. Then I'm going to order the neons :clap: .


Thanks all.

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