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Black Spots on Fish


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First off, I'll try to get some pictures....but until then:


I have a large yellow tang that, as of this morning, has some black spots on it. Looks like about the size of pepper and they are raised (not actual scales turning black). From the research I've done, it looks like black ick, which as I understand is propogated by worms.


What can I do to treat the fish and the tank? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.





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There is a dewormer out there for fish, but I don't recall the name... hopefully someone will know what it is.



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FW dips are supposed to work very well with these worms.


I bought a Yellow Tang once that was practically covered in black spots. It was well fleshed and eating like crazy so I decided to take a chance. I put it in a tank with 3 skunk cleaner shrimp. He spent a lot of time at their little "stations" and within 2 days all spots were gone. I had the fish for over 7 months and never saw another spot on it.


Sad end to the story: it died in a power outage while out was out of town last July. :(


Give the shrimps a chance.

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