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Propagation video


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I want to resume a project I started down in Houston with James Wiseman and Eric Borneman.  We started making a video on coral propagation, and I have finally got my camera back out of the closet.  Nothing has been editted on the tape so far, but I want to get some more footage to add to what I already have.  Hopefully I can edit it through by the Fall propagaion workshop for club viewing.  One thing I would like to add is some footage of growout systems that people have going.  Let me know if I can swing by some time to get a little video, or if you have a real cool coral that requires different propagation techniques and would like to be included in the tape.  I could also use some help if someone is handy ripping VHS over to DVD (if it is doable)....



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your grow out system is one I would like to get.  Will probably not start on this til after the new year.  Thanks.


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