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Trip to Mote Aquarium


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Doris and I are in florida waiting for warmer weather for a trip out west and we just made a trip to Mote Aquarium in Sarasota.



Mote is a small aquarium connected to a major research lab in Sarasota FL

Less Flashy than Baltimore or Atlanta it is still worth the visit. Not much in the reef department but with a focus on shark research and marine education its a great visit.



Some real good shark tanks with some very nice small species.


There were some nice small fish displays


A tank full of Florida Flounder


Frog Fish... These guys were huge (as big as my head)


Stone Fish


Soft Coral Display


They have a large seaturtle rescue and research lab where they are breeding sea turtles

here is a rescued young turtle



The real reason to go to Mote is to see the giant Manatee Display, this alone is worth the trip



These critters are about half the size of a car and as gracefull as anything I have ever seen.


If you are in the Tampa area,, Mote is about 1 hour south in Sarasota and is really worth the trip.

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They are a very patient hunter.. They sit very still untill prey comes close...then thay hit so fast you dont see it happen. I used to keep one and he would eat every thing in the tank.


I thought I was safe putting him in a tank of larger fish... I came home and he had eaten a puffer that was bigger than he was (he was stretched over it) I thought he would die but about a week later he was perched on a rock looking for more.


I kept him in a 55 gal by himself for the next 8 years. he ate mollies, shrimp and small crabs I caught on the beach.

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