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Metal Halide Upgrade

Guest clownfish4

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Guest clownfish4

I currently have a 55g with 1 65w PC daylight bulb and 1 65w PC smart bulb(half acitnic and half daylight). I plan on upgrading to a metal halide, but need to know what size to get. I was thinking about getting a 175w, is that enough to house most hard corals? The tank is 20" high and I have a 6" sand bed. The light would be about 5" off the surface of the water. I do not have a heat issue, so I just need to know about intensity. Thanks a lot!


I was also thinking about keeping both of the power compacts on.

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Guest greatwit
imho: you might need to get 2 mhs, unless you want lots of shadows in your tank(recommned 1 per 2 ft). 175w or 150w hqis should penetrate enough, but for a little more money you can get 250w mhs with more bulb options and the ability to be used if you upgrade later on. many 250w ballasts will fire both se and de bulbs.
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Guest clownfish4
Hmm.....I really don't want to have to run two.  What about if I get a 250 and center it and run my 2 PC's over the entire tank?
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I have one 175W over my 29G. The tank is 30" long and I do have shadows on the edges. If you can deal with the shadows it should do.


I know Icecap has the spider reflector which is supposed to spead the light more evenly over a longer distance. My 175w came with a spider reflector which  I didn't use but it seems like it would work nice.



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Guest cjm033
if ur gonna get a hallide get a 200 there like the same price as the 175's n 25 more watts
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Chris, Just curious if you still have the spider reflector and if so interested in selling it? Let me know.  Thanks




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Guest clownfish4
Well, I can't exactly afford a second halide right now, so I would be stuck with one.  What about bending the edges of the reflector out a little bit?  Will that give a wider area?  Also, with the pc's on, how bad would the shadows be?
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Don't center the light over the plastic brace.

If you have a plastic brace in the middle I would think it may get to hot and pop it. At the very least, the UV would quickly  make it brittle and pop it. I use 3 - 250s on a 220 and now have metal braces since the plastic ones popped.


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