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Posts posted by Jager



    and people didnt belive me when I said Ybes a bit off his rocker....


    i knew you were gonna do this at some point, that marvel of a overflow box never did seem to sit 100% with you.


    Did you tell your wife you were risking her carpet in the basement? or should i never mention that ever again :biggrin:

  2. johnny for the heck of it what would a 10,000 dollar koi look like? got any photos you wanna share?



    john that was an incredible dive, man i do think i should take bob fenner up on going snokeling in HI at some point, the photos are astonishing.


    so when are you getting your rebreather cert and catch your own john?

  3. A chip holdover until he gets the newer pics up, Chip you wouldnt happen to still have that massive skimmer clone you made ? i am gonna try to recirc drive my etss downdraft for giggles and wouldnt mind renting it from you or something.







    theres a few others, but theres the mythic clam of the deep, the flowerseller special, Ybe and I were trying to decide whos head out of the three of us including chip would most likely fit in the clams opening....


    chip I will raid your frag tank one of these days when i am back up there.....

  4. johnny do you know approximately how many will be coming into the country overall? I never heard if mexico put a cap on their numbers. more for just wanting to know since i prefer not to spend more on a fish then my whole tank setup..... yet.



    as for my most expensive fish.... probably the regal angel, to be fair it wasnt that expensive to get initially, but man has that thing given me bouts of stress. So worth it though.


    its all yellow head no blue any more as its started its adult morph and is close to 1 year in my tank.


    btw this is all johnny and copps fault i have one. I just had to listen to Ybe back in 06 going let me take you over to see this store since you joined wamas.... :biggrin: there was one in the tanks, and then copps had his 3....


    My wallet hates you both gentleman, my passion for reefkeeping is mostly your guys and the initial wamas ppl i met (dave chip raf phisigs) fault for gettign me this deep :cry:

  5. well tbh I am going to point you to the post above yours from Ybe, @k is a heck of alot of money, and I certainly did not pay that for my 75 with skimmer and lights and LR. now I have spent that well over over the years in swapping stuff and getting better equipment for the porc puffer i house but still.


    I paid 200 for the 75 with an overflow (go to mrcoral if you want a similar price on the tank) if you arent going to use a sump you can watch places like superpetz for their we are way overstocked on tanks sale, they had 75 non drilled tanks there for 100 bucks .


    LR and skimmers grab them here, i got several skimmers herer with very good results, and got plenty more ideas from meeting the members as well. Flowerseller Dhoch Raf and others whose tanks i visited back in 06 all pointed me to ways to save lots of money and i got a few frags of corals to boot.


    i know adding up tank, LR, skimmer, and lights i paid around 750 800 bucks. thats a 75gallon drilled with overflow and tek lighting t5 6 bulb strip, and a monster etss skimmer from modelrr.


    i have well over 100lbs of LR as well, i just waited for tear downs locally. Rule of thumb never pay more then 3$ per lb from a teardown, then go to places like BRK F&F etc and pick out a few specific pieces out of their big bins to create the look you want.


    you support the group and the local businesses better to boot and you save money.


    i seriously doubt you need 1000$ to setup without fish, and could use the other 500 for surprises fish etc, even if there isnt a major breakdown sale.

    i am a college student and disabled so i live on 600 bucks a month approximately, and this was what i got for waiting a bit and working out trades and watching the boards here.










    these photos are about a year old but this was when i hit the 1k mark approximatly, maybe 1200 at most.

  6. yeah i have used tap water quite a bit myself but again my tds is around 35ppm from the tap. I do use a Di cartridge currently just to keep any surprises from occurring since i moved and the tank hasnt yet. but im not likey to use a ro.di unit unless i get a deal.



    mostly depends on your TDS. i do love the jaw drops though they are funny.


    Though to be fair i like drinking water at ybes house cause he gives you a nice glass of pre di ro LOL

  7. :P


    dont worry!

    that would include lotion- which im paranoid about lol-- so

    i always wash my hands before putting them in the tank-- cuz i normally have lotion on (ceramix really drys your hands up... gotta take care of them :D)

    im a little paranoid about a lot of things... haha :) but better safe than sorry? or am i just crazy? Not like 5ml of tap is gonna make me sorry in a 40gl tank....


    but i take mol bio and it only takes ONE bacteria! :eek: hahaha between that and food trends, one starts to become a germaphobe :biggrin:

    anyways i just thought this was interesting to discuss...



    sara sorry to go offtopic but i noticed your signature. did you by chance get that from jeni tyrell aka pufferpunk?

  8. mmm regals, luckily mine is doing well as i cannot imagine a tank without a regal now that ive been able to keep one successfully for almost a year.



    best thing that ever happened to my angel keeping habits was tbh the porc puffer, i wouldnt be surprised dan if they took to your cowfish and tended to prefer what it was eating. a weird but cool thing to see



    beautiful work and congrats on the new baby.

  9. jason word of caution about the lion. once they are trained to eat from the surface or near surface, they also tend to recognize your hand near the surface and lunge for food. this = spines in your arm or hand. very painful.


    it is better to get a good thick set of coral gloves and get used to using them 24/7 for maintenance in the tank, not to mention itll give you some protection from the clowns if/when they start copping an attitude.


    lions tend to love belly rubs as well, that also leads to issues, last 17" i moved we couldnt access the tank at all without using a plexi shield to separate him from us. he was too "friendly" due to the owners constant attention. Those lionfish owners with better maintenance and glove usage generally dont have those issues as much as the gloves let them know its not play time.


    I use them with bigger puffers as well, as they can take fingers off

  10. you may want to point your friend to the rio powerhead that attatchs to pvc pipe or sits in tank and switches direction periodically. that way you can just cap off the overflow.


    you gotta use the pump otherwise the water simply stabilizes in the piping and overflow and goes stagnant.

  11. all it is is running the overflow exit to a pump and then running the return from a pump back to the tank. it is very easy.


    two issues can happen though.


    1. overflow cannot keep up with the pump, size the pump to be slower then the overflows gph rate. most AGA and perfecto ones are rated 600-800gph.


    2. make sure you use unions with cut off valves on the overflow the pump and the return. nothing sucks worse then having to fix something or swap a pump and try to drain the loop. the ballvalves make that much easier and much less mess.


    any particular reason why you want to go sumpless? just no space for the sump?

  12. i luckly have no pest in my tank to test him out with. Hes in the sump



    get ybe to show you how he built the jail for his florida stone crab. i do miss that crab, he was "lively" to say the least.

  13. if its gotta be a damsel, go with a demoiselle, the unsung fish in the family that are black body with yellow nike like swooshes on their top tin and tail. very pretty fish, and they DO NOT get big, they are not open swimmers though but more a bolt hole style fish .


    my non fish informed friends call them the fish mafia, as they all squabble over who got the food first and where, but they don't bother my other denizens.


    worth looking into if you can find them as they are really not a easily seen fish, and most distributors dont label them correctly.

  14. bob i thought you'd enjoy seeing the photos of that job.... twas well worth it though, i still get compliments on the stand and its build.


    tygger and anyone else considering ybe doing work for you, the best thing you can do is get a design, and a list of things that have to be there for your system, then be ready for bob to alter your design internally

    to get exactly what you need structure and design wise. he and i spent the better part of the night before the build covering design when we could have been building if i was better prepared with accurate drawings. i basically said make me a better stand then the AGA/perfecto setups that was able to handle my setup then, then 4 months later he completely gutted the canopy to fit in the tek lights i got from him. again a rush job that he pulled off and still made impressive. :clap:


    When i am set on my final tank size i will be again dealing with Bob on the stand canopy, and hopefully we can try some stuff that hes been considering on and off as another proof of concept thing. :bb:


    bob, i do like the fact that you found a lumber retailer, cause the few hours we spent picking through the wood piles at HD was quite possibly the most frustrating pursuit of a single straight 2x4 ive ever had to deal with. :eek:


    tell your wife im sorry for getting you knee deep in woodworking again though bob, she must hate me :cry:

  15. bob and i did a crash stand build in about 24 hours with the canopy as well in pine, you can not only hold a 75 gallon reef setup easily, you can probably park a truck on it, again this was about 24 hours worth of work and way back in 06 before he had all the really nice tools this was all miter saw router and alot of sanding.









    the best shots i have recently of it are back in april before the series of coral crashes due to me being sick and phos reactor crap. and do not show the stand as it is now, but it was sealed with a clear sealer and still retains a vivid grain and white color.


    bob does masterful work even with serious lack of time to build.

  16. dave, i have had great luck with my regal solo when i added her to the tank by using a feeding clip on one side of the tank, and having a very friendly and very hungry porc puffer of all things to explain the ropes. the regal to this day follows the puffer around and will eat whatever the puffer happens to be working on.


    if you have a not so picky fish that is easy in temperament, you might try adding it with the regal if you haev feeding issues, out of all my regal success stories its always been the ones who went in with this porc that have done the best and eaten the most varied diet.


    currently mine eats any and all frozen prepared foods like emerald entree marine cuisine, krill, mysis etc, all the frozen formula 1-2 angel, and most of the ocean nutrition line, as well as pellets and aquarian flake food.


    they arent picky once you get them over the bump,

  17. well i had a lot goign on so i missed quite a bit of this, but to thread necro a bit, my point above was that we as humans do not understand nearly what we think we do, and we as humans grab onto what we are told wayy to easily. (i tender the firs radio broadcast of war of the worlds as an example of the gullibility of humans to believe anything).


    as far as humans doing damage to the enviroment, i 100% agree with ybe, we do, do i believe the co2 is a dangerous issue, yep, do i believe the co2 is directly connected with global warming? not exactly, we haev historical records of the middle ages being warmer then this, and the little ice age that ravaged greenalnd and killed of the vikings, both extremes as far as we are currently weather wise.


    i believe we are stewards of the earth, its our job to protect it, and to limit our impact. I firmly believe that while the american style of life is not able to be recreated and is impossible for many countries we all have a duty to come up with ways to reduce our footprint on the earth. as a nation we should be funding other countries development of pollution controls. we as americans might be ok, but what about mexico city or the entire country of india? they have to wear gas masks the smog is so bad and the rivers are heavily polluted an d overcrowded, and while we may not be doing much damage, they certainly are to their part of the world, while we might not see the effects of that for a while, their cumulative pollution footprint does effect us and the world as a whole over time. is that global warming? idk but i know its bad news overall whether the world gets cooler or warmer.


    i dont know what the solutions are i know alot of different ways are being looked at, but i feel very strongly that the alarmism isnt helping anything. all that does is allow for pointing of fingers and blaming of teh other side, while sidetracking actual progress.

  18. well what we are doing to the climate is not easily understood because we have not been here long enough with complete records to know. what we do know is that the earth goes through cooling and warming cycles. in the middle ages it was warmer then afterwards, europe was much more fertile then we know it today. and thousands of years ago core samples removed from the ice sheets showed that the earth was 6 degrees cetigrade warmer then cooled considerably way before humans existed to change the climate.


    right now we are measuring a .6 degree change upward over the past ten years. that is nothing.


    oh and in the 1970s the same science was screaming about global cooling. this during the height of the dirty car era of gas guzzlers and 12mpg being a high standard of fuel economy.


    Do i believe we effect the climate and world around us YES i do.


    do i believe global warming happens yep, its a cyclical earth system that has been running since there was an earth.



    do i believe in all the crap we hear about the world overheating and dying due to co2 from humans? not in the slightest. its half science half statistical guessing based on a VERy short window of information and records.

  19. while i certainly respect opinions here, and i happen to agree with statements that some people will see this an go oh well if he can do it so can any idiot, but you all have to stop and consider certain things, some of which i seriously doubt any wamas member not on the WWM crew knows.


    sure the tank is overcrowded, but again any person who has kept a cichlid tank knows the same rules apply. and while some condemn that technique, the fish certainly thrive.


    travis is on the WWm crew, the editors of CMA are also a part of the group. Bob Fenner as controller and owner of the whole thing does not allow bad information to go out. unorthodox yes, bad? no. whether we disagree or say that is overkill or not how we would do it is ok that is an opinion and we all have one. but without taking the merits of the article for what they are is ridiculous and a disservice to the hobby overall.


    obviously he has money, he also has a very high payign job in the US governments control over the internet. so a big system and expensive angels are not a hindrance. he also has the money to preform a 1/5 water change of the system WEEKLY. 100 gallons is alot of water folks, if it is happening as the article says and they are as healthy as they appear in the photos, then we dont really have any room to comment on his husbandry techniques. we can comment upon our thoughts, but condemning his setup without having done near what he is attempting is rediculous.


    copps could speak on this and i would see no issue, because copps keeps alot of angels.


    I can feel comfortable speaking on this because I have puffers in a reef tank with angels and clams, so i know a bit about diffusing aggression and large biolaods.


    not saying no ones allowed to voice their opinion, but i remember quite a few stocking lists on this board with alot of fish that "should not" be in the same tank due to eventual size or aggression and no one uttered a peep.


    and then theres the well its ok i have a huge skimmer to cover the fish load stocking lists comments as well that were simply not questioned either.


    I think if thats how you keep YOUR tank that is fine. I may not agree with what you are doing, but if your fish are thriving then it works and any potential issues i may have ill discuss, but im certainly not in any position to tell you your wrong.


    hes had the fish 8 months, that may not be long in the grand scheme but even the most diehard aquarist knows that fish dont succumb to disease and illness due to outright stress from initial addition or die of starvation after 6-8 months. they thrive or they are dead long before.


    if he does not move to a 4k tank, and some fish die sure we can all throw a fit and i would not bat an eye, i dont expect that anyone here would hold their tongue if they knew my stocking list either, but mine works fine until i upgrade again when the fish get a bit bigger, and they are fat healthy and eating.



    so i applaud the guy for trying something, having the money to do it right, and being prepared to cover most emergencies, and having a store there like we have BRK here to help him out. would i have 66 fish in a 250, no, but it works for him, and if hes happy and the fish are healthy then i see no problem with it.

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