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Posts posted by 69-ls1

  1. I was wanting to know if I can use power compacts for SPS frag tank? Would a 130 watt power compact work for a 20 gallon frag tank or should I use metal halide? I use 2 400 watt 20K over my 120 gallon tank now. The watts per gallon is about the same. Will sps grow successfully under power compacts?





  2. Why, what makes you think you need one? What do you have in your tank for corals?

    A calcium reactor maintains alkalinity (measured in dkh) and calcium. typically the effulant from a rector is in the 6.7-6.9 region which will actually drive your tank ph lower. It does maintain alkalinity which can stablieze your ph swings.

    If by quite you mean quit... well it depends... it will provide a lot more calcium/alkalinity than your kalkwasser dosing, but realize that kalkwasser has higher ph so it will drive the ph of your tank up (if you need to drive your ph up then this is something to think about).

    Note necessary to have a ph controller, all that does is shut things off if ph gets too low...

    Thats a good brand I have it, and like it very much.



    What do you do to maintain your ph?


    I think a calcium reactor would help my tank. I have quite a few sps corals. I think this would help stabilize my tank and prevent the swings in the water parameters. Which I think the corals would respond better to contant conditions. But, this may not be true, I am still learning. Any help would be great.



  3. I am looking into buying a calcium reactor. I just have a few questions. Will a calcium reactor maintain ph and dkh and calcium? Will I be able to quite dosing kalkwasser to maintain ph. Will I need to run a ph controller with the reactor, or can I just run a reactor. I was looking at the Korallin brand reactors, does anybody else use these? Any good or bad opinions on this brand? Anybody have any suggestions on any other brand that works well? I have a 120g tank. Sorry about all the stupid questions, I just need to be educated.





  4. I have some xenia, frogspawn, and some hammer coral. They some times get blown around a little, but that is when i change the flow patterns some. It really depends on how you design your closed loop. The more outputs you have for flow the less turbulant the flow will be. I currently have 8 outputs in my closed loop. I also have ball valves for each powerhead, which you can adjust flow. So if you have too much flow in an area you can adjust it so the flow is not too strong for you lps and softies.




    You can always use a ball valve at the pump to reduce flow. Then if you decide to ever go mainly with sps, you will always have the capability to increase flow, instead of buying another pump.



  5. Excellent information discussed above regarding my regal trio (I'm Copps at RC)... Thanks Rik and Craig. This is a picky species that should be left to those with experience. Many people are keeping them nowadays with success. I've loved this fish since I got my first saltwater tank in middle school over 15 years ago and regals were considered "unkeepable". My original guy can be seen at the top of the WAMAS page in this graphic



    I just returned from my fourth trip to Guam in Micronesia where regals are found in abundance. Here's a shot of one of the beautiful males I photographed...


    Also for those interested in regals here is a shot of a xanthic color form collected in the Maldives that usually goes to Japan for big bucks...


    A friend in Florida that I met at last year's MACNA has a spawning pair with video on his site here...



    For another excellent MUST have angelfish book, look into Scott Michael's Volume three of Reef Fishes, with an entire section dedicated to regals.


    Jody, regarding your interest in an achilles tang for your 120 I'd recommend against it, as tangs of the genus Acanthurus (like the achilles) require much more swimming room than others. For 4 foot tanks look into the Zebrasoma (like yellow and purple tangs) or Ctenochaetus genus (like tominis and koles). Achilles tangs in particular have a poorer record than other similarly related Acanthurus species, possibly due to their need for highly oxygenated water on top of requiring room.




    Thanks for the info. And by the way, i am jealous of you tank and regals. :)





  6. I would also like to add an Achilles tang one day. Would it be better to get the regal first? Would there be any combatibility problems? The only other fish i have right now is a pair of black clowns and a diamond goby in a 120g.


    Thanks again,



  7. That article also said:


    Regal Angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus) - This fish is truly my pride and joy, and is the centerpiece fish of this system. Every time these fish would come in directly from the Red Sea to the local retailer/wholesaler I would attempt to feed them, with most showing little or no interest in prepared foods. This notable specimen fed like no other I'd seen, and was a beauty among beauties in the group he was shipped with. I had already prepared this system by moving all of my zoanthids to a separate tank. While each individual angelfish has its own tendencies, regal angels are particularly known for their love of zoanthids. Sure enough, within hours of adding this beauty to the tank he had hunted down every remaining zoanthid, yet to this day continues to leave everything else in the tank alone. I've had him now for over six months and, knock on wood, he's staying plump and happy, eating straight from a turkey baster like the spoiled baby that he is. With this said, this species should without a doubt be left to only those aquarists who can satisfy its needs.


    I'd be a bit leary of them in a new system, or if I had any zoos :-)


    So what kind of food do you feed you regal?

  8. I would really like to get a regal angelfish. Are they reef safe? Does anybody have experience with one of these in their own reef tank? I heard that they may nip at some corals. Does anybody know what corals they may nip at? My thank is mostly sps with a few soft corals. Are there any fish that is not compatible with them?





  9. hey, i would like to thank the following people for bringing me frags and meeting up with me at the meeting:








    everything looks real well. i very happy with everything. all you guys were really nice and easy to talk to. this was my first meeting i attended and was great. i cant wait for another one.


    thanks again,



  10. I feed DT's photoplankton about every 3 days. I tank feed, not target. I have had it for about 2 months and have never moved it. Nothing else had changed. I believe the cyano appeared about 2 weeks after i got it. I will try moving it to a shady place in the tank.


    By the way Tim, nice catch on the smile :biggrin:




  11. I only get polyp extenstion when the metal halides are off. Is it possible too much light? I have 800w of metal halide on a 120g. As far as water parameters. Nitrate 0, amonia 0, nitrite 0, phospate is very low. How much is too much flow?



  12. Hey, i have a yellow gorgonia and it has red smile algae growing on it. I will brush it off and a week or so later it is back. The red algae does not grow anywhere else it the tank. There is plenty of flow in the tank and also on the gorgonia. Any help or suggestions? Water parameters are great.





  13. ok, i thing i have stated the formula wrong. Using the hagen test kit it says to multiply the # of drops to change the color to lime color by 10. In my test it took 9 drops, so that is 90. 90 would actually be in mg/l(ppm). So the conversion i use is 90ppm(mg/l) divided by 50, then multiply that by 2.8. If i am converting this right that only works out to be a little over 5 DKH. I was mistaken early when i said about the conversion being in meg/l, it is actually in ppm(mg/l). I believe you was right about trying another test kit. It may be the kit or it may be something i am doing.



  14. thanks for the tip. I do have a 35g fuge with a 25g sump. the hagan test kit for kh is in meg/l. I then use the formula meg/l divided by 50, then times 2.8. Is this the correct may to convert?



  15. Typo on the mg. it is usually between 1100-1200 when tested. i have a 120g tank with approx. 130 lbs of live rock.




    I am currentely using Oceanic salt, but i recently bought Sea Chem reef salt to try.



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