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Posts posted by madmax7774

  1. I have a yellow tang, and a sohol tang, and they have started rubbing against things occasionally. It doesn't seem to be a frequent thing, maybe once every 30-45 minutes. Spoke with a LFS clerk, who was all gloom and doom about it (sell the tank, move away, armegeddon is coming...) I am wondering at what point do I start to try chemical warefare against some unseen pest. I have a UV sterilizer on the tank, and it runs 24x7 and has been since day 1. I figure that it is helping to keep unwanted microbes under control. I recently bought selcon, and starting adding it to food to boost the fish's health, hopefully that will help them recover. They have no noticeable spots or scars that I can tell. Anyone have any idea's on what I do next? By the way, all of the other fish seem perefctly normal, and have not rubbed anything at all , as near as I can tell.




  2. All of my sales have fallen through. I still have the whole setup:

    oceanic 30 gallon Hex tank with stand and canopy

    Coralife clip on MH 150W light

    Remora protein skimmer

    stealth heater

    light timer

    40 lbs of live sand

    Some please make me an offer for the whole thing....




  3. I have a yellow tang and a sohol tang. They are doing fine. I have a 75 gallon tank. The yellow was introduced first, and the sohol about 4 months later. The yellow went nuts for about a week when I added the ohol, , and now is ok with things. The sohol is about 3/4" smaller than the yellow and just laughs at him. The yellow would rush the sohol, and go all crazy and try to scare him and the sohol just ignored him. Now they ignore each other, and are just fine. Eventually, I am going to have to get a bigger tank for them, I know, but for now all is well.



  4. I am trying to track down some yellow, orange, or red montipora. I would like to get a sizeable piece locally if possible. Anyone happen to know of anyone willing to frag a decent piece, or know where there is some for sale?




  5. ok, ok, I was unaware of the rule, and I have now joined. I apologize for that rule violation.

    As far as the setup goes, I have parted out the light, the skimmer, and the sand ( I think...)

    So that leaves just the tank stand, and hood. That is still available to anyone who wants it No reasonable offer will be refused....

    (as this money is going to pay for my son's birthday present which he is dying for......)



    PS, how do I tell that I am now a paying member instead of just a freeloader like before?


  6. earlier this year I upgraded to a 75 gallon setup, and I have decided to part with my 30 gallon setup.

    It is an oceanic 30 gallon hex with oceanic stand, and glass top. It includes a remora hang on back protein skimmer with a maxi-jet 1200 driving it. I upgraded the oceanic hood light to a coralife clip on 150 watt 20,000K metal halide light. This light is really powerful and will allow you to keep anything in this tank. This would be the perfect setup for a beginner, or a nice sea-horse tank. All the stuff is in nearly brand new condition. Also included is a sltealth 100 watt heater, and a light timer. I also modified the coralife clip-on light to add a coralife 3/4 watt blue LED night light. this is really cool, as it allows you to see activity at night.

    I paid over $800 for everything in the setup, and would like to get $400 for it. If you come and get this stuff soon, I still have 40 lbs of live sand in the bottom of the tank that was mixed from 20 lbs of aragonite, and 20 lbs of arag-alive. It was in a healthy system for about 9 months. You can have the sand too if you want it.

    I would prefer to sell everything together, but will sell parts if I have to.

    call 703-266-9899




  7. I have started with reef crystals, and have been sticking with them. I have a 30 gallon sump/fuge, with some sand and fiji mud in it with a few rocks, some algae, and some other stuff, with 24 hour fuge lighting. I feed the tank with danichi veggie pellets once per day and some marine flakes.. I feed DT phytoplankton 3 times a week. I dose purple-up and B-ionic once per day. No chemical warefare that I am aware of, no leathers. I have 2 small patches of Anthelia, 2 gorgonia's 1 see fan, and 2 rocks with polyps.


  8. geez, I never even realized there was a difference between a kalk reactor, and a calcium reactor. I am going to have to go back and research this alot more I see. I do 10gallon water changes weekly. I measure water paramters at least once a week, and my paramters are fairly good:

    All water comes from my RO/DI filter which my TDS mater tells me is less 2ppm TDS

    80' F temp

    1.025 salinity

    8.4 dkh


    0ppm ammonia

    0ppm nitrite

    0ppm nitrate

    410ppm calcium

    >.1 ppm phosphate

    1245ppm mg ( if I remember correctly)

    dual 175W MH 20,000K lights. on for 14 off for 10 hours.


  9. I am having a hard time deciding if I want to invest in a calcium reactor. My coraline algae growth is really slow, and I am dsoing daily wityh b-ionic and purple-up. It's seems to help a little bit, but I am not sure if a calcium reactor would be better. I know nothing about them, other than the $800 or so necessary to get one going. Is it worth it? I could just keep spending $40 a month on additives. Finanically, it would take over 2 years of use before I see a financial benefit from one. Are they that much better than just simple daily dosing? I am looking for advice on this one from folks who already have one, and had to go through this thought process as well. What do you think?? I am in the hobby got tyhe long term, and am currently running a 75 gallon with a 30 gallon sump. I envision myself upgrading to a very large tank (280 or so) in 2 to 3 years.


  10. got a TDS meter for my RO/DI filter today. Set it up, and the inbound has atround 145ppm of stuff, and the outboud has around 2 to 3 ppm of stuff. Are these good numbers? Gjuy at the LFS stoer said that when the outbound is 50% of the inbound it's time to change the filters. i'm not sure I buy that, so I am checking with the experts.


  11. Sure, I can wait till you are ready, but I wasn't planning on going to the meeting, because my parents will be in town visiting from Georgia. Any way we could meet at some other time. I will drive to wherever you like.



  12. I think I am cursed. I can't seem to keep anenomes alive. I am on my 3rd anenome, and the darn things just always die for some reason. I have great water parameters, and I do weekly water changes, and I have metal halides, and good flow. does anyone know how to reverse an anenome curse?

    :cry: :cry: :cry:

  13. I also have two, and I found out through experience that they are prone to have a layer of algae form on them, which causes the polyps not to come out, and hence they starve. I took mine and gently scrubbed them with a toothbrush to get the layer off, and now mine are doing surprisingly well. The polyps come out like crazy, and they seem to be thriving. I placed both of mine in high flow areas to prevent any algae from reforming, and I feed mine daily shots of DT phytoplankton. THey seem to be doing well now. I am going to try the brine shrimp and see how they fare.




  14. I would love to have a pack of small fish that would travel in a school around the tank. Is there such a fish that is small, and will tolerate a large group like say 10-15 of them. I was thinking maybe green chromis?? I think it would be pretty awesome to have a small school of them cruising around the tank. Anyone ever had something like this???


  15. I am looking for suggestions on the recommended intervals for water changes on my 75g reef ( with 30 gallon sump/Fuge) It is roughly 45 days old and I just did my first change of 10 gallons. i was figuring on doing 10 gallons every 3 or 4 weeks. Is that to little or too much or just right???



  16. I feel so darned stupid. I don't understand the relationship between alkalinity, PH, DKH, and calcium levels. I though that alkalinity and PH were the same thing? i.e.- if something has a low PH value that meant it was increasing in acidity, and if it had a high PH number then it increasing in alkalinity. so why if my PH is at 8.2 do I have such a low dkh value (around 6dkh) what the heck is dkh anyway? And why no matter how much calcium i add, my numbers never seem to want to go above 400ppm. I now understand why I almost flunked chemistry in 11th grade.

    Is there someone out there who can break it down for me to a "PH for dummies" level?

    I have read a lot of the articles on various aquarium pages already, and I still don't really get it.


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