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Everything posted by madmax7774

  1. sounds the perfect viallian for the PETA nuts to go after. Someone should send them an email. That'd keep him busy for a while.....
  2. I have been looking for a new background for my computer, and I can't seem to find any decent large reef images (1900x1200 prefered) anyone have any links to good photos?
  3. Considering how few corals I have at this point, you could really consider my system a FOWLR, but I am intending to gets lots of corals in the future. Here's my recently built 110G http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=12072
  4. After my recent upgrdade to a 110G, I wanted to add some actinic to the dual 250W MH 10K lights. I had a 48" NO actinic bulb, but no other hardare to drive it with. I atumbled upon a webpage with a very cheap solution. By taking a 48" shop light that I had laying around ($9.99 home depot 48" dual lamp shop light). I found some instruction on the web on how to combine the wiring on a 2 bulb ballast into a single bulb in such a way as to overdrive the lamp. Now I am far from an electronics expert, so I cannot guarantee that this is really "overdriven". However, having said that, I can say that the bulb appears to burn significantly brighter this way. anyway, I followed these instructions, and it works like a charm: http://www.geocities.com/teeley2/overdrv1.html
  5. madmax7774

    MadMax's Tank

    75 Gallon in my wall unit
  6. madmax7774

    Wife & I

    From the album: MadMax's Tank

    Wife&I @ocean
  7. Tranman, My tank is lit by a pair of Metal halide 250W XM bulbs. 10,000K I have a 48" NO actinic flourescent that I haven't gotten around to installing yet. That will hopefully go in today. The other day my daughter actually asked if she could go swimming in the tank and play with "Nemo"
  8. as far as where to get a tank and cost, I suggest you contact John at BRK. he usually has the best prices around, and if he doesn't, then there is a good reason, and you should ask him. I didn't and I regret it. I was originally going to get mine there, but I got caught up in what was supposed to be a deal somewhere else, and in the end I ended up paying more than at BRK. the place I got mine from didn't bother to tell me that they were not including the overflow kit, and when I found out about it, it was too late and with the ridiculous charge they hit me with for the overflow kit, I ended up on the losing end of the deal. As far as the size of the tank, I am limited on my tank footprint to 18" x 48" base size. So that left height as the only direction left to grow. I also dislike having to stoop down to look into a tank, so I love the extra height. The height makes it more challenging to work inside the tank as I have to stand on a stool and take off my shirt and stick my whole arm and shoulder in to reach the bottom. I don't mind that drawback though, as it gives me enough volume to get some nice fish finally. 18" front to back depth was no issue at all for me in terms of aquascaping.
  9. http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=12072 here's a thread on my aquascaping...
  10. Thing is, I am completely in love with the way the tank looks. I did the apple cart look for a year, and I grew to loathe it. This time around I wanted vertical height IE - towers of rock. Well I go that. And the other part I love is the abundance of swimming room for some larger fish like tangs or angels. I am where I want to be looks wise, I am just concerned about water quality. I am working on a deal with another club member to step up to a monster protein skimmer, so I am already headed in the right direction I guess. Thanks
  11. In my old 75G tank, I had 100lbs of rock which consisted of about 35 lbs of base rock, and 65 lbs of premium rock. All came from previously populated tanks, and were already fully cured. Now that I have upgraded to a 110G I am left wondering If I have enough live rock. What would be the signs of not having enough live rock? All the rock from the old tank has been moved to the new tank. Should I think of getting more rock?
  12. Zoo, thanks for the link. I feed phyto regularly. I suppose he could be starving, but I am more inclined to believe that this is stress induced from the recent tank upgrade. Time will tell. I am just glad he is not dead. I am going to try more frequent direct feedings for the feather and see if it helps. John
  13. What happens to a feather duster when he loses his feather? I was standing at my tank at lunch just gazing at things when suddenly the feather duster's feather just sort of lifted off the tube and floated away! Does this mean he is dead!?!?!? I hope not. Someone please tell me that this is part of the normal growing process! I really liked ith sduster, as hos feather was rather pretty. I tried searching wamas boards on this, and I didn't see any similar questions, so this doesn't give me the warm fuzzies. :(
  14. The best way i can think of for you to stop the noise is to buy my euroreef RS80 and replace it! Actually, when my Dantec is ready, I will be selling the ER so if you are interested.... let me know John
  15. Acutally, With Inna's talent for recovering dead and nearly dead corals, I am thinking of trying to convince her to take the birsdnest for while to try to save it. She has the interesting ability to raise corals from the dead!
  16. Thanks Jason Here's my birdsnest. As you can see it took a terrible beating during this upgrade. I am not sure it's going to make it. :( Here's a nice orange monti that I also got from Johnny at BRK: Here's my fat clown. he's a big boy! I found this guy and his mate in a fish store down in Georgia while I was visiting my parents. I bought him and put him in a styrofoam cooler and hand carried him all the way through the airport, onto the plane, and back to here. Him and his mate are the only fish I have that have travelled on a plane with
  17. From the album: New 110G tank

    this is one fat boy!
  18. madmax7774

    orange monti

    From the album: New 110G tank

    orange monti from BRK
  19. From the album: New 110G tank

    Not sure what happened to the birdsnast during the upgrade, but it's not happy...
  20. Here's some lovely yellow polyps that I got from Johnny at BRK Great store!
  21. From the album: New 110G tank

    Arrggh do these ever go away!
  22. From the album: New 110G tank

    Yellow polyps that seem to grow fast for me, I got them from John at BRK
  23. here's some of my corals.... Here's beauty that I got from dandy7200: Here's an amazing frag of zoo's I got from dhoch: Here's my lobo: Here's a shot of the zoo frags I was peddling at the winter meeting yesterday. and here's funny little red hermit with blue dots on him:
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