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Posts posted by fishface

  1. JM:

    I have the Knop-C, considered to be a classic by some, and many people swear by them - only 'cause they bought them. I found that the effluent output control (it's like a screw-on spray nozzle) clogged all the time. I finally switched to a Guest ball valve and that will just clog later probably. I had a lot of trial and error in finally dialing it in, but we've now had a meeting of minds and it's fine. I think that any type that you buy or make will have a period like this in that you might get frustrated getting it dialed in. I also teed a 1/4" line off my in-sump skimmer pump to force feed it because the passive syphon method kept stopping. Why it kept happening to me - no idea.


    I bought the Knop because of the many positive opinions. I saw your setup, and since you are capable, you probably should do a DYI unit when time permits. In that regard, if I chose to do one, I would also make it with like the Knop with a tall column to keep the co2 in contact with the media longer, rather than a wide column. The reason bought a unit is because with all of the different designs and opinions I didn't want to find myself re-inventing the wheel last in Feb.


    One notable difference in the various designs is how efficient they are with CO2, and I didn't wish to DIY and create an "inefficient design". The Knops are recongnised for their efficiency. And any reactor must be selected for the calcium draw on it. For one Acro, you probably don't need a Deltec. For a 120 heavily stocked with Monti capps, my Knop wouldn't keep up by itself.


  2. Hey Doug:


    Re-read the link here from WWmedia. It's not the actual solution but it explains how hyposalinity would work in exploding inverts. While there may not be a guarantee that you would see them, I realize that the seconday benefit is that you literally can pay better attention to it, and might find something sooner than later.


    These two links address your issue: The first might have your actual pest.




    It also describes how to place them so that you can most likely see something (if it is the kind of pest that drop off. The quarentine process described by Geofloors would assist here.


    Meanwhile, in the first article, if show the red flatworms that I have in my 'fuge, so this is nearly as bad.

    Good luck, and may the force be with us.


  3. Yeeooow!!

    I read every single post in the thread.



    In the last question, someone asked him how long he's been at this, and he says it's just 2 years.

    Man, although there were no "before" pics, the results are astounding.

    2 years!



  4. I had a number of things to do today, and never got them done. I headed over to the auction thinking that I would drop off some things for sale, say hi to new and old faces and then leave to try to get some items done. I figured I'd literally donate and leave.


    I ended up staying throught the entire event and even stayed and talked with JM for 40 minutes afterwards. I cheerfully and grossly overpaid for, among other things, a "Mystery Monti" digi, which in all likelihood will be a doody brown.


    Never did I expect to have such a great time with a terrific bunch of people. The bidding was a scene in itself with Jean-Marie raising nearly everyone's last bid for them...

    I'm more than proud at the amount of money that was raised, and JM is the one that made it happen. I am looking forward to seeing many or even all of you in Jan at the Food party.


    Regards and Happy Holidays from Fishface and Family,


  5. I was searching WetWebMedia, because I've just had my first red worm outbreak. Okay, my tank has the worms. Anyway, one person lowered their sality to 1.012.

    Calfo said that it's likely everything including inverts and cops would be severely knocked by this.

    Did you try a search there?

  6. I would go with the natural approach as stated by the people above. Ich has a cycle, so if you intend to "treat the water" with a medication then you have to make sure that you are actively treating the tank completely thru the duration of the cycle so that the dormant cycsts that hatch can be killed while free swimming.


    Neither Medication nor UV can't affect the ich while is cyst form. I had a scare with a fish that had a few spots back in May and I bought a UV sterilizer in a panic and did some last minute research before taking it out of the box and returned it instead. The UV will kill nearly everything thing that floats past it, so I decided not to follow that course - Although I might have done it on a temporary basis if the ich was worse.


    If you do buy one, I suggest that you go with the one that spirals the water flow internally around the bulb.


    P.S. This was stated, but theoretically all of your fish are carrying ich, and it will appear when their immune systems are depressed. So even if you quarantined them, a bare tank will still harbor the cysts somewhere so realistically you are just trying not to seed your display tank with a sick fish. You want to keep proper parms. Whenever you are in doubt, and if a fish or coral is stressed, do a water change to dilute any problem. This will help the fish to recover on it's own or to respond to treatment.


  7. I also have some Fresh Water stuff:


    Anyone need river gravel for a Freshwater Tank?

    Gravel (Red River) enough for a 40

    Gravel (natural) enough for a 30 gal tank.


    Misc standard working flourescent lights and glass for 10/20/30 gal tanks.

    * There's probably a full hood in there too for a 20 or 30.

    * And I think a dual bulb 48" inch fixture.

  8. Also, I will bring a Helios CF 2x54w that the ballast died but the fixtures are fine. Maybe a few other items that are useful for DYI or whatever.



    I have a gift for the little one too, but I won't be able to stay long.


  9. I will be there too. I was expecting that there would be some non-fish things for auctions too because of the nature of this.


    1. I have one or two new items for a 3-5 year old. Are these permissible?


    2. Can we bring gifts for the 13 month old?



  10. (all rights and whatever else that should be reserved)

    Happy Thanksgiving 11/24/05

    I put a 30lb. turkey in my 10 gal. aquarium. My lights are on 12hrs. a day.

    My skimmer is working fine and I haven't changed my maintenance schedule

    at all. Water parameters. were fine. This morning the water was a little

    cloudy and my ammonia was through the roof. I've been feeding good foods

    too. PLEASE HELP!!!! I don't know what could have caused this.

    Happy Thanksgiving folks! - Josh

    <Heeee! And to you and yours. BobF>

  11. FYI, in general silicone doesn't bond plastic to glass well. It isn't really load bearing. For the overflow, it's acceptable, but not great, and still can leak.


    This is just gossip, but I talked with Glass cages at MCNA, and they only sell a glass overflow because they had reliability trouble with the acrylic over the years. Anyone else see their tanks there?


    They mentioned that a major manufacturer is changing over to glass overflows too for the same reason. So if you're going to fix something...I'd look to doing it the best way possible.



  12. Hi F&FMgr:


    I've met Ganzanfar, and he talked about your store. I had hoped to have made it to that sort of "open house" that you had in the summer. Let us know if you plan to have another.


    Oh, and if you drill tanks, mention that somewhere. We can always use professional tank drilling service.




  13. Eric Bourneman spoke at MACNA and talked about a variety of things. I think it boiled down to staying with the basics. (It sounds like you are). He was saying how even low light tank can grow corals that you wouldn't expect. So keep cool sans stay the course!


    However, practically the last thing I can quote from him is "if you have too much algea, then add more herbivores until you don't."


    Got Crabs? I think Howard and Chips spend quite a lot of time in solitude with theirs. If I recall correctly they have posted some advice on their favorite nuckles.


    And if I am not crediting the right people (apologies to those omitted) do a search on WAMAS and it'll pop up.



  14. Gosh people somebody must've beat this post with the silly stick.


    But last I heard, either method is reprodution, but the type of reproduction is via self cloning, not sexual reproduction. That takes two separate individuals, or did y'all skip out on your Sex Ed class in high school?!?


    'Course I imagine when you can clone yourself then the religous conservatives of all faiths would find a way to be equally offended by a heathen amenone that doesn't believe in monogamy, nor the missionary.

    Gosh, how did I fit anemone, monogamy and missionary into one sentance?


    That's tentacle twister!

  15. I've used it a few times. When my Rio blew and I needed an abrupt water change (and I didn't know that you were supposed to avoid Rio's like the plague) the Vienna aquarium told me that the tanks that he services all use that and it's muchh better than a mix.


    'Course someone posted on RC or wherever that there is no way to keep those bateria alive in the container....


    And apparently the Catalina water was tested and was not benficial for the inhabitants health (disclaimer - I don't recall where the comparison was made, so research it yourself before taking this as fact.)


    Anyway, where can we get these at a reasonable price though?



  16. Astounding!!

    That flies in the face of needing a mature tank for this kind of think to happen. Do you think that something occured the precious day and this was stress-induced?


    Congratulations, Papa!

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