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Posts posted by pedalpower

  1. I have 4 in 90 and three out of four tend to stay together. They usually hover in the middle of the tank. As far as aggression towards other fish, I have not seen any. Even though my Ocellaris clownfish are constantly striking out at them (because they tend to hang around their spawing area). I hope that helps

  2. Hi Derek,

    Are you sure you want cardinalfish? They really aren't very active. I recently saw someone tank that had six of them and all they would do is hang out in their territory.


    I'm not sure whether Inland Aquatics sells pajamas but they do know how to sex banggais.


    good luck!


  3. My Hamilton 96w PCs kept blowing the GFI.  After calling Hamilton I found out that they were not suppose to be on a GFI.  Also, if you want to figure out the load of the circuit, you should add up all the watts for each electrical device on that circuit and divide by 120.  This will tell you how many amps you require.  You shouldn't use more than 80% of waht your breaker is rated at (ie, for a 15 amp breaker the load shouldn't exceed 12 amps).  


    Good Luck!

  4. What is your nitrite and nitrate at?  Is it's feces long, white, stringy?  Are you familiar with the signs of Brooklynella and oodinium?  Do you have cyclopeeze (fish usually will eat this even if they're not doing well)?  You may also want to add either garlic, selcon, or vita-chem to the food that it is eating.  If you could catch the fish I would also consider giving it a freshwater dip (make sure that the pH and temp is the same as the tank) for 5 minutes.  After that time check the bottom of the container for anything.  Do you have a quarantine tank?
  5. I think you should be looking at Dottybacks.  My Bicolor-Dottyback is only fish I have seen eat bristleworms.  But, I never have seen it take on large bristleworms.  Be careful though the solution may be worse than the problem.


    I've also seen my 6-line wrasse try to snack on cleaner shrimps regardless of size.  I always thought the wrasse are more inclined to take care of flatworm and the snails that like snacking on clams.

  6. If we have a local breeder and you are willing to wait then I agree that would be the way to go.  I'm just not aware of any either.


    Marine Scene is usually well stocked with captive bred Ocellaris Clownfish.  Just make sure that you look at the fish carefully not only for signs of trouble but also markings (if you care).  I've purchased several fish from them including Ocellaris Clownfish and I had no problems with any of them.

  7. Did your get fish from Winchester Aquarium?  It's really a crime how their fish look.  What are you looking for quality or selection?  Marine Scene is probably the best for fish but their selection is often limited and their price is at the high end.  I also have been to Exotic Aquatic they have more selection but I remember some of their tanks had diseased fish.  You can also try Vienna Aquarium and The Reef Tank (Springfield).
  8. You may want to consider a six-line wrasse.  They are always on the move looking for food and I don't believe they are jumpers.


    I did have a bi-color dottyback in my tank and he left my clowns alone but he was constantly after my wrasse.  He even would occassionally challenge my longnose butterflyfish.  The problem with trying a dottyback is not putting them in but taking them back out.  Oh yeah, anyone want a dottyback?

  9. Anyone need to add some soft corals?  I have the following available (sizes are approximate):


    two pieces of Green Star polyps 1.5"x5", 3"x5"

    three pieces of Finger Leather (2) 4"x6", 4"x8"

    Lots of Capnella (10) 1.5"-2" and I'm going to frag the mother so I'll some bigger pieces.

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