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Everything posted by tonkadawg

  1. sounds like muriatic acid. I just run my in some vinegar water for about an hour - comes out looking good as new.
  2. I have a pump that I'd like to turn on if the time is > 10:00 and turn off if the time is > 23:00. While it's in that window, I'd like the pump to oscillate 20 min on, 10 min off. I added the above programs, but as soon as the pump oscillates off, it turns back on because the time is > 10:00 and < 22:00. Anyone have any suggestions how to get around this?
  3. change in plan - decided to move the tank to it's new location before making the sump. here is the tank pre move - note the official Miller Light fan stand and the new location ready for the tank: and in place!!! and a couple of full tank shots - skimmer is putting out some crazy bubbles - that will be fixed with the sump. Also, sorry about the blue - I haven't figured out how to adjust the white balance with my camera.
  4. you mean when making right angles and what not? I need to test the idea still, but what I'm thinking is to get a couple of plastic right angles and tape them to the acrylic - in the end, everything will be held in place correctly. If that idea doesn't work, I'll make a jig out of some scrap wood.
  5. alright kiddies - update time got the canopy bracket back from powder coating - turned out excellent!!! mounted to the stand and canopy: and everything together for the final installation: next up is a nice pile of acrylic (thanks again Jeff and Josh ). Baring any major life altering events (oh I don't know, maybe something like my first born decides it's time to bless us with his/her presence) I should be starting on the ATO storage tank and sump no later than this weekend. Anyways, some really nice 1/4" acrylic with some very clean jointed edges:
  6. ok found them online: and here's the cover: You can get them at home depot for about $10 each. They're made from plastic, so you can cut them down to the length you need.
  7. hey Stephanie, I wouldn't use PVC to run your wires - that would just be a pain. I was telling you about the stuff I was going to use when you guys stopped by. It's similar to this: but what I've got is even easier to use. I couldn't find it on line, so I'll take a picture later tonight and post it up for you to see. Matt
  8. yeah I'll probably hit them really quick with some 800 or 1000 - nothing too much as I don't want to remove too much material and throw the measurements off.
  9. I sent this question to Jeff, but figured I'd ask here too. Yesterday I got the acrylic I need for my sump (a huge thanks to both Jeff and Josh ) - Jeff cut everything to size and jointed the edges for me. The stuff is beautiful, I can't wait to get this put together. Anyways, with the jointed edges, do I need to do any additional prep (sand/polish) before I begin assembly? Or should I be fine with the edges I have and maybe just do a final sand/polish on the exposed edges when everything is together?
  10. tonkadawg

    for sale

    things for sale
  11. tonkadawg

    green monti cap

    From the album: for sale

    green monti cap
  12. From the album: for sale

    green base orange polyp digi
  13. sorry to hear that Josh - besides drilling the bottom of the tempered tank, what were you trying to do? Also, I just pm'ed Jeff about the acrylic for my sump - maybe we can work something out in terms of picking them up if he's able to get it all done at the same time?
  14. yeah that's what I thought too, I asked about the price being $65 and was told no, it was a 5% discount. Didn't think too much about it till on my way home - figured I'd check the post to see if I was losing my mind - sure enough the original post was changed just before I got there.
  15. John, did this come in? It looks like the wife has some energy and is willing to take a short drive out to your place. Thanks - Matt
  16. I don't replace my filters until I get a reading of about 5 on the TDS out. I really don't pay much attention to the IN readings - those are going to vary depending on what's being done to your water before it enters your house.
  17. WOW amazing tank!!!!!! I love the scraped coraline - tank looks so much more natural. Definitely one of my favorite tanks I've seen!
  18. thanks Josh! unfortunately, can't make the ato tank any bigger - if I did, sump would have to be smaller. Right now, I've got about 1/2 gallon evap a day - with a cooling fan running. Once the sump comes on line, I'll be hooking up a chiller too and doing away with the fan. I think I'll be able to go a week before I need to fill the tank.
  19. and mostly because I'm bored at work, I did the water reservoir. Doing this did help me nail down the final dimensions, so not a complete waste of time dimensions will be 4"x14"x18" - approximately 4 gallons.
  20. From the album: 16 gallon reef

    ATO water reservoir
  21. quick little update while I'm waiting for the canopy bracket at the powder coaters... got the sump planned out: dimensions are 12" wide x 14" deep x 16" high - skimmer box, intake from tank is on top left, the middle/bottom/biggest section will be for the mangrove and cheato, and on top right is the return to chiller and tank. This area will also have the ATO sensors and controller probs. also, last night I ended up ordering the panels. I realized that I'm not going to have the time to build them like I wanted to and for the $270 it would be a lot less of a hassle to get them done. They should be here in 6 weeks. any ways, let me know what you think.
  22. tonkadawg

    sump plan

    From the album: 16 gallon reef

    sump plan
  23. I think the one thing we all missed is what do you plan on keeping in the tank? My tank is sps/clams hence the 250HQI - I'm gonna guess you're thinking the same, but I could be wrong.
  24. I guess you were asking me? I'm running a Reef Optix 3 pentant on a blue wave ballast - no supplementation lighting. Once I move over to the new stand (hopefully next week), the new canopy will hold both the pendant and 2 30watt super actinic VHO bulbs.
  25. I'm running a 250HQI on my 16 now a day with a 14K bulb. Heat has been a problem - fan blow across the surface has helped and once the new stand and sump is done, a chiller will fix it. I haven't had too many problems with bleaching - except for when the tank was getting turned on way to early and running for 12 hrs a day - I lost a few corals. Like I said, no real problems running that much light, but I can't help but wonder if maybe down grading to a 150 would be better? After the move, I am seriously considering the switch for 3-4 months to see if colors improve.
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