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Posts posted by cowrie

  1. We have had a rock full for several years. We squirt some food at them when we are filtering feeding and then walk away for a while. When they open up we can spray the food right at them. We use a long piece of hard tubing with one of those baby snot-sucker balls on the end (can buy at the local drug store). We use a combination of frozen mysis, rotifers, enriched brine, golden pearls, phyto and lovely filter feeder food made at the WAMAS Club get-togethers.


    Bob and Tamie

  2. About three months ago we picked up a used Pepsi Cola concentrate drum to store tank water at the flowerseller's Frag Fest party in McLean. After washing it out many times it still smells like soda. Since one of the main ingredients of Pepsi is phosphoric acid, which IS hydrogen phosphate, I was wondering if anyone else who got bought one has used it yet, and if there was any problem with algae or cyano blooms?

    How do you get the smell out of it or more impotantly, any residue of its previous contents?



  3. Has anyone heard of a useful way to reuse harvested Halimeda from the tank?  We harvested a gallon volume of Halimeda and before we throw it out we were wondering what people do with it's calcium carbonate contents since natural sand is largely made up of Halimeda "skeleton".
  4. Arrow crabs eat them.


    I have trapped them with home-made traps.  Take a small plastic yogurt container with a lid.  Cut off the bottom.  Silicone a piece of screen forming an inverted cone shape inside, leaving a small opening at the "tip" of the cone for the wworme to crawl in.  Make sure that there are a couple of inches between the tip of the cone which is in there and the lid (which will now be the bottom of the container). Take off the lid, put a piece of shrimp in there, put the lid back on  and attach fishing line so that you can just lower your container/trap in there.  They crawl through the hole at the tip of the screen cone and get the shrimp but they cannot get back out.  It is the same idea of the purchased tube that you see at the stores.  When youi pull it up you just take the lid off, empty the worms, re-bait the trap and place it back in there.


    Sound complicated?  It is not.  You can call me.






  5. We use the big trash can with powerheads in it for large water changes but before we had the auto top-off system we used the gallon milk jugs for DI to top off and for kalk.  They were easier to carry up and down stairs than the buckets.
  6. We have a HUGE Maroon clown who has started to get "blisters" on both sides of her face below her eyes, along with a bumpy white film on her face--on both sides.  She is behaving normally but looks like H-E-double-hockey-sticks.  Her mate has no signs of the condition.   Any ideas how to diagnosis and treat?
  7. So what if it had copper in it from the past?  After bleaching, vinegar scrub and lots of rinsing would that not take care of it?  I have always heard the rule "never" but can someone tell me why?  What is the science behind this?
  8. We are setting up a refugium in the basement to run both of our upstair's tank through. We purchased the pre-drilled 40 gallon tank from Wally's. As Bob is doing th eplumbing he notes that the silicone on the inside of the tank is a lovely blue color.  The tank was painted blue on three sides but we scraped that off.  Could this blue color be from a copper treatment?


    If it is from copper what can be done to rid the residue of copper from the tank?


    If the sillicone is covered with a new layer of silicone, assuming that it is copper, does copper get in to the glass itself which is not blue?


    Tamie and Bob

  9. Thank you guys so much for all the hard work and great donations of home-made food for the Symposium in June.  Anyone want to add a splash of home-madeness into this meeting?  Just let me know what you would be willing to bring.  Anyone who wants to bake brownies or cookies or cupcakes can just bring me the receipt and get reimbursed for the mix!  Wow!  What a great deal.



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