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Scott Orr

WAMAS Member
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Everything posted by Scott Orr

  1. Good evening folks! I'm Scott and have been in and out the area for 15 years. I'm prior military, and the last time the military moved me (2011), I decided to get out of the hobby until I knew I would be settled. Well, I'm out and will be here for the next 4 or 5 years, so I think I'm ready to dive back in. I started with a basic fresh water tank when I was 7 or 8. I had a few neon tetras and a loach in a 10 gallon tank. Over the next few years, I worked up to 29 and had a few gouramis, a pleco, and my loach that lived until I transitioned to salt water at 13 or 14. I converted the 29 to saltwater and started with the typical chromis, and added a couple of damsels, skunk clown, and a few live rocks over the course of about a year. Once I had a job, I moved into a pair of 55s, one had the previous fish which I added gobies and rock to, and the second housed dead hard corals and a single undulated trigger. I had these tanks through college and the inevitable joining of the military after my second year of college. While stationed here in MD, I decided to try again and had a 29 gallon tank with a pair of false perculas and a couple of damsels. The tank thrived and grew tons of coraline algae, but alas, I had to move after a couple of years and the fish went back to the store. I'm excited to get back to it and this site was recommended by a coworker and member as a great community to learn from, and eventually (if I work up the nerve to attempt corals!!) trade frags. Thanks for having me! Scott
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