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Everything posted by hgtuner08

  1. 20855, i can't be more than 10-15 mins from you. Yea please DM me and Ill send you my cell number and we can figure out a day
  2. the white flesh is what we dont touch, right? Im just scared to ruin a super expensive piece of coral ive had for a few years and im out of my depth. Ive never fragged anything before so im just trying to gather all the information.
  3. here are some pics, the best i could get in the tank
  4. ill take a picture tonight when the tentacles recede
  5. is there anybody around the area who has a fragging saw and would be available to help me frag down a torch with 10-15 heads. As compensation if would give you have the frags we end up cutting out of the mother colony (plus so good pizza and beer). I would just pony up and just do it but im scared to absolutely murder this torch so im asking for a little hand holding while i frag my first coral...aside from birdsnest but that doesnt count.
  6. Im relative new to reefing and needed some advice regarding water chemistry and havent really been able to find my exact circumstances on other posts. I have a tank that been going on a year now in March. I have a trident setup and have calcium read every 12 hours. About 3-4 months ago i started dosing soda ash I wasn't seeing any calcium uptake. I was finally able to get my alkalinity dosing stabilized dosing 20 hours a day and pulling average DKH around 8.6 with 30 ml a day. Overnight my calcium level went from 435 PPM to 380 PPM on a 100 gallon total water volume. I had calibrated the trident a week or so before and also checked my calcium via hannah checkers and running trident test 2-3 extra times. All the values are corresponding at around 380 PPM. I guess my question comes in here why did I see a massive overnight drop in calcium and why wasn't my tank consuming any calcium before. I wanted to move over to all for reef dosing. Im going to stabilize my calcium by dosing calcium chloride and then move over to all for reef. Is there an optimum time to dose calcium? Right now I have my alk dosing 5 AM to 12 AM and have my calcium going 1-4. Trying to slowly ease my calcium up to 420. I added like 20-30 ML today during the day and have the auto dosing add 30 ML between 1-4 but I haven't seen the calcium go up at all. I suppose this is from calcium being utilized as soon as its being added. Any tips to calcium dosing?
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