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Everything posted by Avery

  1. I’m cleaning the pump and this piece turns my fingers black when I touch it. Is that normal? Should I be worried?
  2. I've been running some for a while but I will swap it out for new.
  3. I use instant ocean reef crystals. I don't have many corals so maybe there is excess magnesium. I do have some trochus snails and they don't seem to be affected, or at least not yet..
  4. So the tank is brand new but I treated a Bryopsis problem with Fluconazole. I read that it would be reef safe, however it did kill a rock flower anemone. I've done several water changes since then and run carbon. So I don't think there would be any remnance of the medication left in the tank.
  5. Interesting; I don’t have a magnesium test but I will look into one. I’m not sure why it would be high, I don’t dose anything.
  6. I’ve bought my snails from different places. The ones that seem to be dying are the Mexican Turbos that I bought from Supreme Reefs. Acclimate them usually for a few hours using drip acclimation. I bought these guys maybe six weeks ago and started noticing the slow down this week. The tank has been set up for five and a half months now.
  7. My snails keep dying and I'm not sure why.. Maybe possible starvation? I've noticed that before they die, they kinda slow down and stay in once spot. Sometimes falling off the glass and then I try to help them back onto it. Right now the tank doesn't have any fish in it, so I haven't really been feeding. However there is a bit of algea growing on the rocks.. Water parameters seem fine. PH - 8.0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 Phosphate - 0.25 Temp - 77.8 Salinity - 35 Here is a picture of one of the snails that I say is in a "slow down" state..
  8. So I recently bought an ink bird temperature controller to try to preserve the life of my Apex EB832. The apex was much better with maintaining a constant temperature. I am worried I may now have too much fluctuation throughout the day. The apex maintained within .5 degrees and the inkbird has about 1.8 degree fluctuation. Is this something I should be concerned with?
  9. Hey guys, I'm relatively new to the DMV area. Are there any local fish breeders? I am looking to stock a new Red Sea Reefer 250. I would prefer to purchase from local breeders rather than harvested fish from a store.
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