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Posts posted by D805

  1. I just recently started dosing Neonitrate as was getting 0 nitrates from tests. I ended up buying the Hanna HR nitrate tester to verify my other tests like you. I'm finally getting nitrate. Last nights test showed 5.9. Now I need to figure out how high I want my nitrates .

  2. 13 hours ago, wildcrazyjoker81 said:

    Dang sorry to hear it. Yeah realibility on technology can be a blessing and a curse. Tank looks great now though for sure. I too have the acro/SPS bug and am quickly running out of room. Now living out of frag racks for the moment and to make it worse I just bought a 10 acro pack of Reef2reef ha ha.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

    Thanks man. I hear you. I've been fighting the temptation to buy some of your sticks since your right up the road. Gone a have to stop by one of these days once I clear up some room in the tank. I have a couple frags that have encrusted on the frag rack. lol

  3. Well had a tank crash a couple months after my last post. Got a bit complacent and things went to H-E-double hockey sticks. Had a temp probe that malfunctioned. Probe was reading 78 when it actuality water temp was 10 degrees lower. Heaters never kicked in. Also didn’t check the output of my rodi. TDS was about 5 before I finally changed all the filters. I think a combination of these two things caused my crash. Lost a lot of my sticks. You live and learn. Well here it is about two years later. Tank is doing great again. Running out of room and want more sticks. 


  4. 11 hours ago, Ricko4 said:

    What T5 bulbs are you running,  and would you be able to share your light schedule,  , ,  ,colors look amazing !!

    Thanks man. I' currently running running 2 Blue + , 1 Coral +, and 1Actinic, along with my two AI Hydras 26. AIs on at 11 and off at 9. T5s on at 1 off at 7.

  5. 15 minutes ago, madweazl said:

    $100 for salt? After 25 years of reef keeping, I've never found one salt that did anything better than the next. As for the IO on sale, it arrived today :) 


    Nice. darn mine got delayed. I forgot I ordered some salt till I saw your  post. 

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