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Sad Panda

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Posts posted by Sad Panda

  1. I tried to push the PH up some by using a ph 8.2 buffer and it went up for a couple hours to 8.1 then today it was 7.9 again. I have not measured the Cal, Mag yet because I was not prepared to put anything in the tank. I have a BRS 3 part doser for cal alk mag but have not hooked it up because I thought if I just started dosing with nothing in to consume things it would go off the chart.


    I know this is silly and old hat to most of you but I am still trying to learn and understand all these things, so forgive my ignorance.

  2. Ok the tank I have had up for a week now shows:     Nitrite .1<     ammonia .25<    Nitrate 5.    alkalinity 10.5KH    PH 7.9     Temp 79.1     Salinity 35ppt


    What is bothering me is the alk seems very high. I do not have a skimmer running and have no air stones. Could the lack of oxy be driving it up or is this not level not an issue? The only thing in the tank is rock, some pieces moved from the old tank, Chaeto in the sump along with some rock with coralline algae on it.

  3. Ok here I started putting rock in.

    20160218 133814 (1280x720)

    20160218 133801 (1280x720)

    Here it is with cabinet finished, full of water and new ATI light hung.

    20160227 190202 (1280x720)

    Here are the new lights on (They are super bright).

    20160227 185422 (1280x720)



    I can't wait to get some coral to put in this thing. Just looking at it not sure if I should add more rock or not?


    I am pretty happy with the end product even though it was a lot of work.


  4. Ok the skimmer off my old 55 is a Skimz 143 rated at 90 gallons for "heavy bio load". In the 180g I am setting up I am looking at the Skimz 201 (rated at 190g Heavy bio load). Oh and I am looking at this because the skimmer section in my sump will only take a 9.25"x9.25" footprint. My main question is........is there a downside by getting "to big" of a skimmer as far as what its rated for?

  5. That usually means there is no siphon/suction. Try unplugging it then pump the little priming toggle till water comes out the outflow hose into the tank in streams, then pump 5-10 more times and plug it in. If it starts then stops pumping pump the toggle very quickly 10 or so more times. This always worked for me.

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