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Posts posted by Joshwaggs

  1. Hi everyone,


    I was wondering if there are recommendations on a good fuge light for a 29g biocube? I'm getting the intank fuge and was going to put some chaeto in it next to my media basket in chamber 2. Intank is sold out of their 10w submersible light although I could order it elsewhere if that is the best.


    Thanks for helping!


    Amazon has the same light, under a different name. I bought that one. Now I don't need it. I would give it to you, but it is so cheap it wouldnt be worth the gas for either of us.

  2. Just like nomadic humans; they roam for a reason: resources and/or climate/environment changes. If resources are available without moving, and the climate and environment are always the same, do you thin they would still roam?


    Like I said, my Yellow Tang likes to stay on the side of the tank that he knows food is going to be (as do all of my fish). I only feed on one side, they have no reason to go anywhere else, unless it is for sleep. Which the Tang does go to the other side, under a rock to sleep.



    Thanks for the input. Im going to explore other fish. I didn't know the powder blue was so mean. Most places just group it with the other tangs, by saying they are aggressive toward a same species.


    When it comes to the size of a fish compared to the size of a tank, my main concerns are water quality (because of poop), and knocking things over.


    I know I come off as a bit of a butt-head by saying that, but I think it is worth saying. We cant expect to provide any fish that we keep, a natural, or even close to natural-like habitat, ever. Even our water quality, no matter how much we dose, or think we know about ocean chemistry, we will not match the exact parameters of the source where the fish was taken (short of collecting water from that spot and putting it in the tank.)


     I have a yellow tang that was thriving in a 29 gallon biocube. That tang is now in the 65g, and he rarely explores the entire tank. A few months ago I was looking to trade him for a smaller tang. Now, I see that he is doing just fine. He is healthy and has a great personality. Im among those that believe: if we are going to start worrying about giving fish their natural space, then we need to stop the hobby. No one, not even national aquariums have the required space for most, if not all, of their livestock. To be honest, and this is my opinion (the whole post is), when I put a fish in my tank, it is most likely going to live a longer and healthier life than it would in the wild. The fish will have no worry of predators, will have plenty to eat, and it will have places to hide. In the wild it would be constantly foraging for food and worrying about predators, which is probably why the fish swim so far. If a tang, or any fish, knew it was safe and had plenty of food in a particular spot, would it still leave? I would think, no. It goes against the animals (same as ours) need to conserve energy. Just like how we have Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; it makes sense that fish do, as well.  

  4. That's not entirely true. Only a small percentage of wrasses require a sandbed. Mostly Macropharyngodon sp. (leopards) and Haliocheres sp. Even these don't need a deep bed. An inch or so is plenty. There are a lot of wrasses such as fairy and flashers who don't require a sand bed at all.


    Additionally there are quite a few gorgeous angelfishes that will do well in a smaller tank, are non aggressive and similar to the tangs. Members of the Genicanthus genus come to mind. Also, the cherub and flameback are a nice bright blue color and can do well in reef tanks. 


    are there any on this page that you would avoid?



  5. I looked into just about every kind of fish that is common. I cant find anything with the looks, personality, and lack of particular needs, like the tangs. There are a few that are plain mean, or have certain requirements, but for the most part they just need good water, and space.


    For example: Wrasses need a 3 inch or more sand bed, and most are agressive toward other fish. That said, there are a few that I like and would have if it werent for the sand bed and agressiveness thing.


    Another example: I made the mistake of getting a saddleback to pair with my ocellaris. While, for the most part, the saddleback leaves the ocellaris alone, he occaisonally (couple times a day) reestablishes his/her dominance by chasing and nipping the ocellaris. It pisses me off that he/she is mean all the time. So, I want to avoid that. Tangs can also be mean, but as long as you stay away from similar body shapes and color, they are fine.


    The only other fish I can find that are as pretty, have the same personalities, and arent mean are dwarf angels; but then I have to wonder if Im buying something that is going to eat the coral.


    I just want to make sure Im not settling.When I started my biocube I just wanted neat, colorful fish. since I didnt do my research, or ask more experienced people, I ended up with fish that didnt go together, didnt have a purpose, and a tank that wasnt as nice as it could have been. I want to avoid that this time.

  6. ridetheducati: I dont have a quarantine tank. Im trying to follow Paul B's style. That, and I dont have anywhere to put a quarantine tank.


    DC reefer: are they known to be picky eaters?


    gmerek2: I have a 65g, which I know isnt very big when it comes to Tangs, but I wouldn't keep him in there if he gets past a few inches. Should I just scrap the idea?

  7. I want to get a Powder Blue Tang, but I have heard they are hard to take care of, because they get ich really easily. Does anyone have any experience with this fish? Are they more work than they are worth? The Blue Hippo is supposed to be a very sensitive fish, too; but a lot of people seem to do just fine with theirs.

  8. ok not to Hijack th thread or anything, but I literally switched out the drivers on my Evergrow within the last 20 min and now I have a working evergrow again, there was no soldering to do at all, I just unsnapped some connections and took out a few screws


    Sorry you can have your thread back now, I will start a new thread and post pics

    You didn't jack the thread. This is exactly the thing I want to know about. I bought the d2040s from ERC (really nice people).

    The only thing I'm trying to find now, is a way to hang them without the ceiling. The hangers are all ridiculously expensive. I guess if you put the word aquarium on something you can make the price whatever you want, and people will buy it.

    Aquatic life has the limited stand hangers. They consist of two metal rods with a bend and a couple screws. They cost 100 dollars. That is just stupid. Then there are the bright sky frame hangers that are chinese made and are just as simple. They cost 78. hobbyists Are getting screwed and it's our own fault.

  9. - rtelles - I noticed that a lot of the Chinese LEDs look the same. Like Crob said, they aren't pretty, but they work. Im going to have some (not much) SPS, as well.


    - Crob - Thanks for the info. Personal experiences go a long way when it comes to how I decide to buy something. Ill check ERC and see what they have. Did the light that fell in your tank shock everything? Does it still work?


    - Alan - Thanks. Ill check out Roscoes Reef, too.

  10. So, I'm looking for some decent priced LEDs (kessil, eco tech, etc. are not reasonable when it comes to price) and I found a set that, I assume, are Chinese made. They are called Euphotica. They may have been called Evergrow, at some point. Anyway, the lights are programmable and about half the price of the big name lights.


    My question is: has anyone used the Euphotic/Evergrow lights? What are your experiences?


    Here is a link to the lights


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