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Egg (1/13)

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome. We anticipate being there by the 1st of February. I am not exactly sure what size of tank. I have only had smaller tanks in the past, and I don't know if I really want to go bigger. I think I'll probably get a 29 gallon. I'm fairly handy and I can build stand, canopy, and light systems. As I'll be renting I'm feeling that I'll probably do a HOB refugium instead of a sump (to mitigate the risk of floods), and probably do that out of a big Penguin filter from Petsmart or something. This isn't my first tank, but there's a lot I don't know. I also have a bit of an ego and I like to test conventional wisdom from time to time.
  2. Driving out on January 28th. New job starts February 3rd. We're targeting Springfield, as it's close to work, but we're not sure. We've been out to visit before, and have friends in Annandale and Alexandria. We fly out next week to find a place, come back to Utah for a day or two, have the movers pack and load, and then we drive with 3 kids, all under the age of 5, across the country. Should be good.
  3. Haha, guess I shoulda read between the lines on your first post. I will make sure I join when we get there, then. Recommendations on stores? I'm actually excited to be within driving distance of coral for purchase... Not a single store within a 30 minute drive here.
  4. It sounds really reasonable. I want to get settled in and a tank purchased first.
  5. Any recommendations on where to buy used equipment? I assume Craigslist is the first recommendation. Funny thing though, it's actually very seldom used where I live currently; one of the local news websites has an impressive classified ad section. On top of that, the local fish club has a very robust one as well. So I'm used to seeing fish items there instead. I look forward to setting up a tank when I find a place to live, move the family out, and then hopefully trading some frags with you fine folks.
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