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Everything posted by greengalaxy

  1. So i have a purple tang that lost its right eye. im wondering if it will grow back
  2. Hey i have grass algae growing like crazy all over my tank. rocks,sand bed, and on my corals. What can i do to get rid of it
  3. Hey I'm pretty new to wamas and I want to put pictures on my posts or replies but i don't know how to. Can someone tell me how to
  4. These are my blue hammers- Never mind I don't know how to put pictures on my post
  5. Hey guys,so I have a peppermint shrimp in my 22 gallon tank to fight my aptaisia. I'm wondering if I could have two peppermint shrimp in my tank at once.
  6. Thanks a lot guys I will try using the kent scraper
  7. I have green/brown algae growing on the glass of my aquarium I have 3 banded trochus snails, 1 mexican turbo snail, and some astraea snails. Is there anything else I can do to help remove the algae and maintain it clean.
  8. Hey I have a 22 gallon nano tank that has been established for 1-2 years. I have 2 clownfish, 1 chromis, 1 yellow watchman goby, corals, peppermint shrimp, and snails/ hermit crabs. Recently I have seen that the base of my golden mauls has green on them as if they had algae on them, and they don't open up that much. Is there any suggestion of what the problem is?
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