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Egg (1/13)

  1. Ended up using ich-x from Centreville aquarium which contains formalin. And finally just noticed a majority of the spots gone after 3 freshwater dips and formalin baths. Didn't expect it to take over 2 weeks to see results though. The ones on the fins are gone and he still has a few left on his head and mouth. Monkiboy thanks for the offer.
  2. The general cure had praziquantel in it, I also got my hands on prazipro and still no effect on it as I thought maybe the general cure was not dissolving into the water well. Only difference is that now all their poops have become white.
  3. I can't get any clear photos or videos as the the black spots are about the size of this period (.) all over his body and fins. They are also raised. They look like really tiny black grains of sand. He's also started flashing, but the firefish in the same tank with him doesn't show any on his body or any symptoms. During the freshwater dip I do believe I saw some of the dislodged turbellarian worms which were the width of a period (.) and about 2-3 mm long. That would be so helpful if I could pick some up as I could only find it in low concentrations at the fish stores.
  4. Does anybody know where to purchase formalin in store? My blue spot jawfish has black ich and it's been about a week and a freshwater dip and prazi from general cure has not been working.
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