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Posts posted by holedup82

  1. So everybody is good now after our fun Tuesday night. So I got back to playing with the 75 The stand and sump are in place. Thinking I like the idea of having 3 compartments in the sump. The two outer compartments will be overflows from the tank one will have the skimmer, UV, and heater(s), the other will be for macroalgae. The middle compartment would be the return. I hung a par38 for the sump, and played around with cutting some glass today, old glass from picture frames are way too thin/fragile to cut consistently. I'll probably pick up some glass from HD or Lowes tomorrow. Next purchase planned is two 700 gph overflow kits from Glass-holes. I am thinking about putting one on each side of the back panel, and drilling a return to the center with a lockline split. Any opinions/advice? 

  2. Holedup, they did do thyroid testing on her to make sure her thyroid was ok?

    They ran a full blood screen and organ function screening both came back normal. Thyroid in particular I'm not 100% sure as my gf who is in her 1st semester of vet school deals with the doctors. Unfortunately for 5 years banfield has been great, but this experience and one prior are making us look for another vet.

  3. Well....good luck with all that, and I hope they figured out what's wrong with your puppy?

    Thanks, she's 8, and has had 2 cancerous growths removed. They said maybe brain tumor so setting up a neurologist appt.


    On tank notes having some issues with setting up the seneye, trying to run it on my 30 till the 75 is done. The seneye connect software isn't letting me get past putting in my email. Support has been contacted!

  4. Okay here's the build update. Picked up a used skimmer this weekend, and got the footprint figured out to measure out spacing on baffles for the sump. Had a dog have 5 seizures Monday night into Tuesday, dropped $300 at the vet Tuesday so all work is on hold until next payday. I still haven't tested the back pane of the tank to see if it is tempered or not. Need to snag some 3D glasses from work (the wonders of teaching science to elementary schoolers). Ordered a Seneye in the forum sale posted a few weeks ago, FEDEX says it will arrive today, going to set it up on the 29 and see how it works. Maybe I'll even post a review in a few days. Sorry for the rant.

  5. I'm guessing that you may be looking at a cached version of the thread. Have you tried refreshing it or navigating to the post through tapatalk's browse function? If we can't come up with an answer here, you can always pose the question to the tapatalk community forum at tapatalk.com.

    Ill try that I usually refresh "in thread". I'll play around and post if I figure anything out

  6. So, I updated tapatalk and when people modify posts in WTB for items sold sometimes the modifications to the original list don't show up. Shows up on the computer but not my iPhone 5s tapatalk app. Any ideas why? Good news though i can send PMs now lol.

  7. Make sure you get your baffle spacing absolutely right the first time, cutting and pulling, then redoing baffles is a HUGE pita.

    That was going to be the next step/question. I practiced on a cracked old 5gal a while back and pulling the baffle I put in was a huge pita

  8. I wonder the same thing. If rusty metal and copper are soooooo bad in a reef tank you would think that corals would be no where near a shipwreck.

    I agree but I guess even on the wreck the ratio of "contamination" to water makes the difference. I wonder if we could recreate to scale a "shipwreck" if our corals would be able to adapt/survive? No no no I'm not volunteering :)


  9. I used homedepot/lowes glass for my 70G sump. IMO there no reason to use thick glass for sump partitions.

    Had the same thought if water is on both sides pressure on the glass is equal. But wasn't 100% sure

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