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Posts posted by Hminor00

  1. Well I took off the seal I did yesterday and cleaned it really good and then prepped with alcohol, then cleaned again and resealed. I like the job I did so I will see how good of a job when I water test on Tuesday .

  2. Anybody local to stafford that is very good at resealing tanks? Just need front pane resealed but want to make sure it's done right. I just did it yesterday but I'm not to confident on my work for the first time.

  3. Even Pets plus down in stafford va sells thrive but I have not seen any of the water testing kiosk.  Pets plus does have some type of set up through them i think where you fill up a tube and turn it in to them and they test it so you can plug the info in on the thrive website i think from what i heard last time i went in there.

  4. I know its been tried many times and alot have failed but I am all in on trying to take solve this puzzle. I will keep everyone updated as I go through this. My cleaner shrimp released babies last night right around 1030pm and I did not see it in time because i was expecting it the next night. I was able to catch about 4 of them using a turkey baster. I put them in a round small 5g fish tank and stuck a wood air stone in it with a red light on the outside. Came home today and it appears that all 4 are still swimming around and if i lost any so far I only lost maybe 1. I know that I have a long way to go but with everyones help we are going to solve this some how. I will keep everyone updated as I really expect to start when my other one releases babies in a couple days or so. I will have the chad Vossen fry catcher by then so wish me luck.

  5. Found out it was un eaten food. good thing is my reef octopus skimmer is doing an awesome job along with overflow. Guess my fish like every color flake but the redish pink flake lol,  thanks for all the input everyone.

  6. I just see it in my overflow on the sponge, took alittle piece out and its soft but not red, more so pink. i dont see it on anything other than sponge and i just I think i have seen it on there everytime i clean the sponge.

  7. Thats the fish you showed me yesterday! Beautiful john! I think that will be my next purchase!  By the way, my male onxy I got from you yesterday seems to be doing fine, Mama Onyx said hello lol

  8. Well they were doing fine, smh looks like mama didnt like him at first as it looks like she attacked him and took off his left bottom fin,  He is still swimming ok but i think he got alittle to close to her nem. They seem to be doing fine again now. hopefully it was just an accident as he is swimming pretty close to her nem now.  guess that happen over night being that i didnt notice it this morning before i stepped out.

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