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Egg (1/13)

  1. Thanks all for the warm welcome, i love this site lol. I had no clue that there were so many configurations and upgrades that I could do for the Biocube system. Thank you for all the amazing suggestions. Will keep you all posted on my progress!
  2. Ok, so I am absoutely new to the whole saltwater fish/reef tank. For the past 10 years I had a 100 gallon fresh water tank with 2 Aligator Gars and 3 Giant Green Terrors which was very easy to maintain. I recently moved to a new condo and want to start a saltwater fish/reef tank. I have been reading up on the things I would need to maintain the tank, along with the different types of sea creatures that can be put into the tank. I also read that it is recommended to start off with sand and a nice sized piece of live rock. Anyway, Last week I went and purchased a 29 Coralife Biocube tank, which I think is the perfect size for me to start off with. I've herad different stories from how easy it is to maintain the tank because everything you need is in the system, to saltwater tanks are hard to own. I have also youtube'd differnt videos of Biocube setups which look amazing, and noticed that alot of people have customized their Biocubes with extra filtration systems and protein skimmers Can anyone out there the owns a Biocube or any kind of saltwater tank, give me some tips and advice about starting my Biocube.
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