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Everything posted by SooperD

  1. Yes there are two of them and although they seem innocent enough now, I don't want it getting out of hand. Thanks!
  2. the info you guys provided plus this: http://reefbuilders.com/2012/07/23/vermetid-snail-stony-corals/ is enough to make me get rid of the vermetids.
  3. Hello All, I have 2 different growths on the underside of my porites coral. The first is a colony of white sponges that is growing around the edge (Pic #1). I am concerned that it will interfere with new growth. The second are two separate small (<1cm) worm like things. They each have one orifice and seem to be spinning a web to catch loose stuff. Pic #2 shows one of them, greenish gray stump attached to rock on which porite is growing, with a pink mouth. I think I just saw it chewing on the poop that my feather duster extrudes..... Are either one of these bad news? Thanks! --S
  4. Thanks again, handheld meter arrived factory calibrated, realized that my boyfriends RO/DI wasn't working at all (reading-196). May explain a lot of the problems with his tank. Luckily my reading was 2 I have read that you should store the meters wet, is that true?
  5. Hello All, I am newish to the hobby, have been successfully maintains an 8 gallon nano (predominantly reef tank). Recently purchased a 60G cube and an RO/DI filter. Any suggestions on a simple, reliable TDS meter? One that doesnt require frequent calibration? Thanks!
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