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Everything posted by amitwaru

  1. Thanks! :o) Really good warm up for the kids!
  2. How long have you had it set up at the school? If your parameters are all in check I would say you are good. The system has been up and running since June 7th. My pH remains at 7.8 doesn't seem to want to move to 8, nitrites are 0, ammonia is pretty close to 0, and nitrates are about 30, but I have been doing small partial water changes to get that back down. I would really love to get a Goby, Mandarin, and a star fish or two. Thanks so much for your input.
  3. Hi all, I am a teacher at Springbrook High and received a wonderful 55 gallon tank with 4 clown fish, three fire shrimp, a few snails and a plethora of hermit crabs. There is some live rock but mostly plastic plants. I received it close to the end of school so it has been set up at my house over the summer. I have learned a lot and have been maintaining it pretty well. Ok so here are the questions: I have a ton of bristle worms and from what I have read they are good to have but I feel like there are too many. They come out of the rocks and rock bed when I feed the fish. Is this ok or should I look into getting rid of some? One of the fire shrimp had a ton of eggs the other day and now they are gone so I'm assuming the fish had a midnight snack. Not really a question, just a comment. Can I put in a few more fish? The person who had the tank maintained it this way nicely for two years, I don't want to mess it up by trying to add. Any thoughts? I would also like to get some live plant, recommendations? Thanks so much for any thoughts or words or wisdom. Amy
  4. Hi all, We decided on Sunday June 3rd at 9am which is the best for the family giving away the tank. If anyone is near DC that is where the break down will be and if anyone is near Baltimore that is where I will set back up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!!!!
  5. Im pretty sure the school is open during the summer but they probably shut down the AC. I will have to double check on that. I will definately get back to you about the supplies! Thank you! To be honest I really do not know what I need yet.
  6. Thanks Daniel!! Where do you suggest the tank go, since you have seen the horrible layout of my room.
  7. Oh sounds good. Thanks for the info!
  8. Thank so much!! Yes, I want to keep it pretty basic for now.
  9. Hi there, Thanks for the welcome! Not really sure what would be best for the classroom. I have had tanks before but not salt water. Any suggestions that would be fairly easy to maintain?
  10. Hi all, I am a science teacher at Springbrook High in Silverspring and I have been given the go ahead to start a Marine Biology class here next year! I am super excited because I already have two classes filled! I would love to get a tank started in the classroom if anyone has something they would like to give away let me know! Amy
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