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Posts posted by NYfan78

  1. So i have had a ruby head wraase for over 2 months now. I come home from being gone 2 days and he is dead. My water parameters are all good. Now i haven't done a water change in 3 weeks (i know that bad)due to just being so busy with the holidays and work. He looks fine and free of any diseases that i can see. He was the only fish but planned on getting more this weekend. My question is why!

  2. Hey everyone one. i currently use a GFI cord since i rent my place. When it trips i ussually dont find out till i am home at night which is sometimes somedays. So when the GFI trips ussually for the electric flickering fo rwhatever reason it doesnt turn back on, i have to do it manually. My quest is using a grounding probe the same thing in regard of drawing elctricity in the water if something shorts?

  3. I have that in my tank and i have a 12 turbo snails and they do not seem to eat it. I took out my hermits as they where eating my nasaris snails. I do water changes weekly now (used to do every 3 weeks).

  4. I have 2 ocelaris(sp?) clowns and a small kole tang. They all have gotten along great but this week I've noticed the larger of the clowns is tipping at the kole tangs back fins. Why would he do this??? I love my kole tang!

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