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  1. The other 2 are have never tried to grab anything. They just truck around picking up the sinking pellets. I also feed them shrimp pieces. I guess I got a rouge crab! Not sure what to do with it now....I have it in a rubbermaid container with a heater and aerator. BTW it was a Firefish he ate. I have had smaller snails eaten by the smaller crabs when they were flipped and I didn't get to them in time.
  2. Thank you! Hopefully someone can give me some advice on here. I have a giant Hermit Crab that I found eating a fish yesterday. I have seen him trying to grab fish before but I figured they would be fast enough to get out of his way. Also, found him a few days ago with a starfish in his grips. Saved the starfish and place it in the quarantine tank until I figure out what to do with this crab. Can someone tell me if this is normal and maybe what species of Hermit this is?
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