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Posts posted by rtsusc83

  1. Tom,

    Thanks for the help!  This is a lot of great info and my challenge is to stick to it and not fall into the temptation of stocking too early.  Anyone else out there following this regimen?  Maybe start a stocking too early anonymous club.....

  2. I have a WAMAS member since Nov 2011 and have learned so much a ways to go so I will always consider myself as a newbie. Finally got the courage to post my latest build thread because I am usually a passive member absorbing everyone's post.
    Tank: ADA 120 p that I purchased from a member
    About 40 lbs of live rock and three inches of sand
    Stand: DIY stand painted white and poly sealed. Not a handy man but am proud of this accomplishment
    Return: Hydro Selz L40
    Sump: Artfully acrylic with three sections bought used from a WAMAS member
    Skimmer: Avast Cs-1 recirc skimmer ) bought used from a WAMAS Member
    ATO: avast top off with bu float and toms aqua lifter
    Lights: AI Hydras with wireless controller
    Light tree: DIY light stand design that I got here made with 3/4 inch iron conduit. Hanging kit from AI.
    Apex controller arriving tomorrow

    Just started my cycle this week using about 20lbs of sand from my first tank. Have a separate thread asking for advice on cycling. Attached are pics of my build.

    Wish me luck! Once cycled I will be searching for frags and fish. Don't have a list planned yet other than my first fish will most likely be a long horn cowfish!


  3. What is the rationale for no lights during the ammonia cycle?  Any link to Tony Vargas? I have not tested for ammonia, nitrites or nitrates.  Waiting for my ammonia test kit to come in tomorrow.  And three months is a long time!

  4. So I have finally started cycling my second tank (120p ADA/67gal) and it has been a couple of years since my first cycle on my first tank so memory from that experience is limited.  Time flies.  I have some questions and seeking comments/advice from you all

    What I have done:

    1.  I have a sand bed with a combination of aragonite bagged sand and live or dead sand from my first tank which had been sitting in a bucket for two weeks after rinsing it once I got it off the tank. And boy does it stink?

    2.  About 30 gallons of SW from my first tank.  It took about one day to clear up the tank created old sand.

    3.  About 40 lbs of cured (2 months cooking in my garage)

    4.  Running a skimmer



    1.  Should the cycle be shorter?

    2.  Should I run the skimmer?  Does this have an effect on the cycle time?

    3.  Do I feed the tank as if fish are in the tank?


    Appreciate any help!

    I will post a build thread soon.  Have never done it but will try anyway




  5. Just installed mine yesterday.  So far they look great!  Have not had a chance to play with the settings.  I have an AI Sol on my other tank and in my humble opinion, I like the hydras better.

  6. Did you cut the pieces using a hack saw and how did you put them together (glue or something else).  Trying to build my light tree using your design.  Thanks.

    Thanks everyone

    Started to do some prep work

    Clearing out middle section for the new sump

    Painting the new light tree

    Home Depot


  7. I have started to skin my stand and was wondering how many coats of paint and polyurethane should be applied.  The finish will be flat white.  I also understand that I must sand in b/w coats.  Is it just light sanding?  Appreciate any help!

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