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Posts posted by Dr.eclipse

  1. thanks terps. im trying to get the all stuff together for the membership, but im having a hard time finding my student id and report card.

    as for the clowns, they get along pretty well. some times the female doesn't want the black clown in the frogspawn and will kick him out.

    i added a purple crocea clam from my dads tank. his tank didnt have enough light it was showing signs of bad stress. so hopefully he'll recover in my tank while my dad gets better lights.

  2. I honestly didn't get a good look at the corals in the tank. But I'm not picky :)

    Thanks again for the beautiful flame angel. Oh and the zoanthids are very nice as well.

  3. hi everybody. i suppose i should say i little about myself. im 15 a sophomore. ive been doing aquariums for 3 years and reefing for 1 year and 3 months. and reefing is pretty much all i do. and wrestling.

    all the pictures are taken with an iphone4 so the quality isnt all that great.

    current FTS 20L photo-12.jpg

    current parameters ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 8.4 alk 9.5dkh calcium 450 magnesium 1500

    filtration 21 pounds of haitian live rock

    Lighting current sunpod 36"150 watt MH

    Equipment Hydor Koralia Evolution Circulation-750gph jbj ATO system

    fish 2 paired percula 1 back percula 1 clown goby 1 flame angel

    inverts 1 pistol shrimps exy shrimp derasa clam

    coral 1 purple mushrooms1 1 green hairy mushroomred mushroom 5heads of frogspawn dragon eye zoanthid radioactive dragon eyes zoanthid purple death zoanthid nuclear green zoanthid armor of god zoanthid red monti cap rainbow raptor zoanthid green welso patch of GSP 2 elephant ear mushrooms






  4. i live in manassas as well.

    bkr is a great place with a great selections of frags and colonies and really know what they are talking about. though the prices are a little high.

    aquatic obsession is also a good store with great prices. but unfortunately they have no idea what they are talking about most of the time. :P

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