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    severn, md

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Hatchling (3/13)

  1. Tank seems to be doing ok. I got my coral from sheac12's tank and just put them in after dipping, looking forward to see how they open up tomorrow. There's another to the right to keep it from stinging the others
  2. They were in qt because whatever gave my angel(see last topic I made) popeye killed the angel and started to spread to the other fish in the tank. I put them in copper for 5days and did some large water changes to the main. The main tank's nitrates are kind of high so I have been keeping up the water changes to try get them down. The fish seem to be doing ok now, no bugs in the qt right now. I haven't felt the worm but he seems to bend freely whenever he wants.
  3. I had to put my fish in QT after I lost the Angel 3ish weeks ago so it's just been the snails, crabs and a mushroom in the tank for 3-4 weeks. I've been waterchanging 20% every 2 weeks and nothing live added for a month. I see a couple of these worms: and a boatload of these all over the glass: What are they and how do I get rid of them. I wasn't able to find pictures of them in my search attempts.
  4. The tank doesn't have a rim around the edge but does have a brace on the top.
  5. Turns out it's not so happy. It had a bad case of popeye and I think a problem with the fins and tail so I set up the QT with some maracyn. I'm not sure if things are better now, but the eye is definitely different.
  6. I think you're right. I was watching the fish for a while and it looks like the dark patch goes all the way back to the tail, and the color of the eye is a similar shade of purple as the rest of the body.
  7. gwwebber, it's the Percula 90 I got from you, so 60+ gallons. I put a Tunze 9006 in there, I was getting occasional skim depending on the water level of the tank(it was hanging at an angle then) so I removed a shelf in the overflow so it can hang straight. Right now I'm getting a bunch of bubbles in the bottom of the neck to the collection cup, but they're not making it up there(it was cleaned last night). No signs of scratching for the fish. I did a 20% water change on Monday, and also swapped out an old powerhead for another maxijet. Also added a mushroom on monday, that was dipped in revive for 15 minutes before being put in the tank. The Angel and Tang have both been in there for a little over 2 weeks. His behavior has changed from grazing on all the algae on the rocks to hiding in a cave and swimming around not quite franticly.
  8. I just noticed a dark brown/black spot behind the front fin on each side of my Potter's Angel. One of his eyes may be clouding too, I'm not sure. It has one black eye and one purpleish eye. Any ideas? Diet is mostly algae and Ocean Nutrition Green Marine algae. Nitrates are around 20, trying to get my skimmer working, phosphates are under .25.
  9. The catfish eyes up the tank every day. I'm not sure what's going to happen when I actually put fish and coral in there. The algae's growing pretty fast now, haven't checked the nitrates in a couple days, but the orange/brown of the algae under the MH looks great. The picture is an ok approximation of it, I was trying not to wash out the sand completely.
  10. I'll be getting 2 clowns to start with, maybe a yellow tang too. I like the goby's and maybe a blenny, haven't planned it out yet:) I do have plenty of coral to go in once the cycle is finished.
  11. I switched to an eheim 1262 and it's pretty quiet. When I was removing the tubes that went off the output of the mag, I noticed what looked like a flow reducer in the output. I'm not sure if that was making the noise(just restricts flow on the output) but it's gone now with the eheim running.
  12. Cycle is going, getting some algae growing, nitrates are still low. I think I have the rockwork figured out. The 2 rocks on the left are going, to be replaced by a vertical rock and a shelf to sit on top of it. There are plenty of arches to swim through when the cycle is done.
  13. Tested the nitrates today, I'm at 1-2ppm.
  14. Oh yeah, Woodcraft had Sapelli on sale for $4.50/lbf so I got some more wood for the top. I'm pretty happy with the color and grain of the pieces it should work well for the top. I need to hurry up and get the top done so I can keep the catfish out the tank.
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